Outlaw: open-world experience / feedback

What have people’s experiences been with outlaw farming open world content? Particularly like to hear from people who are new to the spec.

I myself have been doing the meta achievement on outlaw recently and my experience reinforced some annoyances that also frustrate me in endgame content. Unsurprisingly, most of them revolve around the ‘maintenance buff’ and RNG nature of outlaw. I know its open world and doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, but I do think its indicative of issues with the spec in general and I also believe it could be quite off-putting for new players trying it out. It’s quite disappointing because when you high roll it feels great, but if you get an unlucky streak - or you have extended downtime - it really can feel terrible to play.

Typical scenario grinding a bunch of mobs that are all spread out and take time to re-spawn:

Land, poison up, stealth, and find your target. Time to melt face!

Actually, one moment please, I just need to roll the bones first. Buried Treasure :frowning: I guess I’ll press adrenaline rush too, why not! Now I can press slice and dice before I start combat. Maybe I get lucky and the mob dies of old age.

OK, now it’s time to melt face!

There’s one more mob here so I’ll press blade flurry. I guess I should press ghostly strike as well? OK thanks for waiting Mr. Gnoll, I’m about to get you good. Ambush! Between the eyes! Ker-chick! Between the eyes! Ker-chick! Between the eyes! Wow, that felt great. It felt a bit slow to get going but really popped off at the end.

Right need to find some more mobs, I’ll just fly around a bit. I see one! Land. OK lets see what we have here. Squint at buff bar. My roll the bones buffs have all fallen off, my adrenaline rush buff is gone and is on a 2m CD. Ghostly Strike is on CD. Blade Flurry buff also gone. My Between the Eyes buff has a couple seconds left. At least I have some time left on Slice and Dice.

Oh no! As I was performing analysis, a mob re-spawned on top of me just before I pressed stealth. Not a problem. All I need to do now is roll the bones, build some points, and then I can start blasting! Unfortunately Roll the Bones only gives me one buff again because of the time between the last one.

Sinister Strike! Hmm, no procs, and it took quite a lot of energy! Sinister Strike! Oh…this…feels not good. Sinister Strike! Sinister Strike! No procs, how can I be this unlucky? I even have to wait now before I can press it again! Despite sinking 5+ sinister strikes in at the cost of 200+ energy, this mob still isn’t dead somehow. Anyway I have max combo points now, time to start dishing it out. Vanish!

Wait, where are you going! Get back here! The mob reset :frowning: No worries, I still have my subterfuge window active for another second or two. Between the eyes! No ace proc this time :frowning: Sinister Strike, proc! Pistol Shot! Too bad my subterfuge window ran out. I’ll dispatch instead of wasting shadow dance. More sinister strike spam. It’s really taking some time to kill this. My slice and dice falls off but I really don’t feel like refreshing it.

The mob eventually dies. Sadly fly to the next mobs.

Repeat variations of these two scenarios over and over. I felt like I spent more than half the time refreshing buffs, and waiting for energy to use builders. You get almost no value out of cooldowns as they fall off so quickly or take a long time to refresh with all the downtime.

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Yeah this is really annoying with Outlaw. Another thing that’s poorly designed is vanish in solo content. You require it for Crackshot, but mobs will frequently reset.

For me outlaw only makes fun and is working in a M+ Szenario

I would never pic it for PvP, outworld contant or raid

Questing assa or sub is way more fun

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just from a PVP perspective,

WPVP Outlaw is amazing,Rated PVP it`s the same.

The RNG is not that big of a thing, just use Between the Eyes in the ShadowDance Window.

It`s hard to fight against assa Rogues due to poisons, overall in PVP Outlaw is absolutely amazing!

This is more a niche spec like Survival Hunter so if you like something like that Outlaw is the choice!:smiley:


here is my feedback.

pvp talent Dismantle does not function at me. in bg and in open world its buggy.

if i use Dismantle in a macro, it does not run.

if i click dismantle in action bar, it runs without problems.

report bug

/cast [@mouseover,exists] [@target,exists] Dismantle

i dont know, why this macro does not run. other pvp talents run without problems at me.