Outlaw rogues in PVP XDDDDDDDD

unkillable and insane dmg lol broken spec

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Not saying theyre not OP but that’s world class irony coming from a fire mage xD


Outlaw Rogue is OP, but if you have trouble beating them at 1400 CR that is not the spec’s fault. Also it’s not an easy spec to play, hence why the vast majority of people playing it are garbage.


The buff made their DPS insane but tbh I keep dying in PVP, feels so squishy to me (some newb rogue problems)

the 20% damage buffs were strictly for PVE only if I am not mistaken

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Outlaw needs that 20% or now 15% extra HP PvP talent completely removed. It’s basically a free permanent battlemaster. Why is it even a thing? It removes the only weakness of a rogue, getting killed in a stun

i dont play on this char :slight_smile:

What CR do you play at then? Highest I can see is 1600 on a warrior.

You see op this is the day you almost beat xXCaptainJackSparrowXx also rogues has been broken most of their existence their one of the devs fan favorite along with ironically judging by your class mage :stuck_out_tongue: the love showed rogues and mages are only topped by their love for druids

Dragons breath, sheep, dmg and repeat until rogue runs out of cds. If u screw up you have ice block.

The problem is with the Assasiantion rogue i think.
Outlaw is like fury warrior with stealth and evasion. In 3s they are easy targets.
Assasination rogues just popping Shiv+spesis with vendetta and you disappear.
I have much more problem with assasinations than outlaws. Yeah they are strong but …. Not stronger than Fury/UH/ret

I have assasination and can almost kill anything during a good cd in 2s under 1800. Im still learning and not a good rating but honestly, its much more fun than my prev main affli lock :slight_smile:

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Expecting to win from a rogue in a 1v1 smh. Defensive cooldowns with full immunities and when they fail to kill you in their timeframe they can CC and disengage from combat to try again later. Best you can do is soak their damage with your own defensives to force a vanish or kill them when their defensives have run out which only happens if they’re bad to begin with.

It’s not like rogues have been meta pick since day 1 of arena :smiley: But y , outlaw is literally the biggest joke you can fight now.

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