Overload Elemental Herb Question

I recently got into Herbalism as Profession and got this nice “Overload Elemental Herb” skill, but I do have a Question: So I overloaded a frigid Hochenblume and while I was dealing with that “rare HB sponge” another herb guy came buy and took all the small spawns, they kind of despawned before I could get any, that was kind of frustrating… Is that normal ? Is that intended or did I do something wrong? I mean it has a 12 Hour cooldown…

The Frozen Herbs that spawn from the Overloaded Frost don’t last long on their own, but they will despawn even faster if someone else gathers them, so if someone else turns up gather them straight away.

Personally, I gather them as they spawn to make sure I don’t lose out, as if you get one with like 7-8 herbs in it, the first one will despawn before you get them all out.

It’s a 12 hour cooldown but with 1 point in Mastering the Elements, each herb node you gather (not including Frozen Herbs) decreases the cooldown by 30 minutes. You can get more cooldown reduction for the overload halfway through each elemental sub spec.

Well thank you for the info, I just got really confused, kinda Yikes that someone else can gather them!

Again Thanks I will make sure next Time that I gather them asap

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