
were you guys drunk when you developed DH?

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I agree! So much fun in the gameplay and animations! They should drink more when working on other classes. And a bit more so they add some 1-2 skills to DH for even more fun :slight_smile:


or maybe add 2-3 more kicks to round the overall class interrupts to 59, and add 4-5 more stuns to round the overall stuns to 87. I think dashes are fine since Its always off CD.

Suggestion, why dont Blizz reduce the CD of rain from above so DH players can safely afk during arena games yet top the meter.


seriously guys, stop being so bitter about it. There are many really fun classes, not just DH, also hunter, warrior, warlock etc. To each their own. As for what you are griefing here, the answer is to enrich other classes, not break this one. This one is already nerfed very heavily in SL if you are reading patch logs.


Pvp will never be balanced and never was, if not corruptions and essences im pretty sure people would find something else to complain about.Demon hunters are not a problem, all classes are balanced actualy atm, what makes difference is obviously corruptions+essences and azerite traits to some extent.


I thank you for my daily laugh.


Bold statement.

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But its true, if lot of classes are OP due to essences/corruptions/traits etc. than its fine as no class is OP, or would you rather have every class have same deff cd,same cc ability, same dmg cd, same 2min cd for each? It would be death-knell for pvp. Only problem with current pvp is lack of gear from doing pvp content .If you could grind full set of 475 gear for conquest points it would solve everything with pvp.

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You clearly haven’t played all, or even most classes.
For instance, Destro dmg is non-existent without Vision of Perfection (Infernal dmg window). Waiting 3 min each time to do good damage is not balanced when other classes can do good damage on every pull.
WW Monk can’t compete on ST unless he has enough Versatile rank 3, and even then beyond the Touch of Death’s damage window, every WW absolutely will fall behind on ST, no matter how hard they try. And without 2x or 3x Open Palm Strike trait (buff to Fists of Furry) our damage is low.
SPpriests damage is crap without enough Expedient and Chorus of Insanity traits (there are others too, can’t remember the name)
FMage shine so much due to a ton of Mastery they can get through corruptions, and some traits that are powerful.

As you say, if it’s down to essences/traits/corruptions, you are implying that if every class removes them and then suddenly everything will be balanced - sorry to say, you are wrong. Some classes/specs simply need essences/traits/corruptions to even compete, aka be “on balance as other” classes/specs

Speaking from PvE perspective.

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Yes, dh for example is brokenly trash without corruptions. It was the saving grace for Havoc that they scale with haste (because azerite armor 3x furious gaze gives a fk TON of haste after eyebeam).

Take away corruptions, azerite traits and essences you will see how poorly havoc dh scales and the spec would be utterly garbage.


what do you mean they should add more interupts every melee class has 15 sec interupt cd. Only exception being ench shamans with their 12 sec cd. Every melee spec has one stun at least. If you face tank a dh in meta ofc you will die to it.

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same as ret pala in his “meta” if similarly geared

as for amount of interrupts, correct me but we can’t be even compared to rogues really? As Waddora said - every melee has standard short CD interrupt. If you refer to imprisoning as DH to some more niche interrupts - other classes have similar skills as well for those applications.

I swear, most people just want to bash DH mindlessly, w/o much thinking about their arguments fitting also other classes, like “2-4 buttons” rotation or gain-spend mechanic… whereas both fits to most other dpses as well (the difference being that DH talents LET YOU oversimplify your own DH a bit more IF YOU WANT IT.

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