OwO wuts dis

Highwowd bowvaw fowdwagon wawks among his twoops out of the wowew wevew of fowdwagon howd towawd the couwt of skuwws.

awwiance sowdiew 1: highwowd bowvaw! owo thank the wight! owo

awwiance sowdiew 2: fow wowdaewon! owo

awwiance sowdiew 3: fow the awwiance! owo

bowvaw woaws as he and his men chawge into the undead.

highwowd fowdwagon: back, you mindwess wwetches! owo

the gates open and scouwge vwykuw, shouting in theiw native tongue, chawge out as the wessew undead faww back.

highwowd fowdwagon: fight on, bwothews! owo

as the battwe continues, dwanosh sauwfang obsewves the confwict fwom the wedge of the kow’kwon vanguawd ovewwooking the fiewd and waises his axe to wawwy his sowdiews.

dwanosh sauwfang: wise up, sons of the howde! owo bwood and gwowy await us! owo

back at the battwe, bowvaw gwances up at the sound of an owcish hown and dwanosh shouting “victowy ow death!” in owcish as he and his twoops awwive.

dwanosh sauwfang: wok’taw ogaw! owo fow the howde! owo

howde awmy: fow the horde! owo

bowvaw and dwanosh fight side-by-side.

highwowd fowdwagon: i was wondewing if you’d show up! owo

dwanosh sauwfang: i couwdn’t wet the awwiance have alw the fun today! owo

dwanosh swings his axe, kiwwing thwee undead vwykuw in one swash. The vwykuw fowces dispatched, bowvaw and dwanosh appwoach the gate with theiw combined awmy gwouped togethew behind them. Dwanosh gwances at bowvaw, appawentwy giving him the wead to speak.

highwowd fowdwagon: awthas! owo the bwood of youw fathew, of youw peopwe, demands justice! owo come fowth, cowawd, and answew fow youw cwimes! owo

the gate wumbwes and opens again as dwanosh gwowws, weveawing the wich king, fwostmouwne in hand.

the wich king: you speak of justice? owo of cowawdice? owo i wiww show you the justice of the gwave and the twue meaning of feaw.

as the wich king appwoaches, undead wegions wise behind him.

dwanosh sauwfang: enough tawk! owo wet it be finished! owo

dwanosh chawges, woawing. The wich king swings fwostmouwne, shattewing dwanosh’s axe and kiwwing the owc instantwy. Bowvaw and the howde awmy can onwy watch in howwow as his body fawws to the gwound. Fwostmouwne consumes the souw of the swain owc. When bowvaw next speaks, thewe is no mistaking the seething angew in his voice.

highwowd fowdwagon: you wiww pay fow aww the wives you’ve stowen, twaitow.

the wich king: bowdwy stated, but thewe is nothing you can—

an expwosion and a gween cwoud, accompanied by scweams of pain
behind bowvaw intewwupts the confwontation.

the wich king: what? owo

waughtew emanates fwom the heights above both the wwathgate and the kow’kwon vanguawd as gwand apothecawy putwess appwoaches the wedge.

gwand apothecawy putwess: did you think we had fowgotten? owo did you think we had fowgiven? owo

as he speaks, fowsaken catapuwts woww into view on both sides of him.
gwand apothecawy

putwess: behowd, now, the tewwibwe vengeance of the fowsaken! owo

the wich king: sywvanas…

the catapuwts fiwe, unweashing pwague bombs onto the battwefiewd.

gwand apothecawy putwess: death to the scouwge! owo and death to the wiving! owo

the pwague expwodes acwoss the fiewd, kiwwing scouwge, awwiance and howde sowdiews awike.

highwowd fowdwagon: faww back! owo

the fowces not kiwwed by the pwague fwee fwom the wwathgate as many mowe die awound bowvaw. Even the wich king is affected as he fawws to his knees, coughing and hacking. With a woaw, awthas comes to his feet and wetweats fwom the fiewd, back into icecwown citadew.

the wich king: this isn’t ovew.

the gate cwoses. Putwess waughs.

gwand apothecawy putwess: now, aww can see this is the houw of the fowsaken.

putwess weaves. On the fiewd bewow, bowvaw fawws to his hands and knees, wwetching, then gwances up towawds fowdwagon howd to whewe he had weft the awwiance adventuwew to stand guawd.

highwowd fowdwagon: (thinking) we’we finished. No escape… fow any of us.

bowvaw gwances towawds wywmwest tempwe and sees dwagons appwoaching. Finawwy, he wowws to his back as he succumbs to the pwague and appeaws to die just as the dwagons, membews of the wed fwight, awwive. The weds incinewate the fowsaken catapuwts and the pwague cwouds as weww as most of the fowsaken befowe fwying back to the tempwe.


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OwO a pwiest

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