P3: STV will stay a mess?

So as it seems STV event is going to stay relevant but i haven’t read about any fixes incoming.
I really hope it doesn’t stay this chaotic lagfest that doesn’t have anything to do with actual pvp.
Probably the easiest fix would be removing Bosses. Right everyone just races to the boss to try and last-hit as many targets as possible in a 30min slideshow. I play in a strong setup and we get a lot of coins, but while being efficient it can’t be fun for anyone like this.
Removing bosses would make everyone be more spread all over STV and would enable group fights again. Drastically reduce lag. Real 5v5s in the beginning of release was awesome. Just having real pvp in a pvp event again.

I was a bit shocked when I saw no new pvp event or BG being released with Phase 3… seems even less content than phase 2.
At least make the existing content enjoyable pls.

Agreed! The event is just a laggy tagfest where people wanna hit that execute instead of actually using any other abilities. The use of CC, per example, is a joke where half of the map is covered in Aoe. This system has so far led to people grouping with as much aoe as possible and just shooting everything from a higher point. Looks enjoyable for some for sure, but this is not PvP.

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There will hopefully be some changes. Lets cross fingers :wink: Would be odd, to just keep it as it is. sems like Most people dislike it.

How long was wintergrasp a mess?

Now ask yourself, how long with the stv event be a mess?

I hope you are right… doesn’t look like it for now.
But they managed to implement many changes on the Go