P5 brings premades back

  • The separation between small group and premade groups has been removed.

    • Developer’s Note: With the increase in honor rewards as well as the increase in rewards for losing a match of Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin, we are removing the queue separation implemented in earlier phases of Season of Discovery that separates premade groups (groups with more than 5 members) and small groups (groups with 1-5 members). This means that there is a single queue and players can be matched with each other with no restrictions regardless of being solo, in a small group, or in a full premade. We think this is important for the health of these two battlegrounds but we may make further adjustments to this system in future updates.

i really want to meet the beautiful human being who keeps making these decisions… Can you guys please entertain me with perfect insults


Worst Decision Blizzard could make …

In Warsong and AB you face ONLY FULL Premades 99,99% of the time …
Randoms cant even get a Single kill

THANK YOU BLIZZARD! You didnt revive the BG you KILLED IT!
Its only healthy as long as the guys wanna rank. than its dead again … and even more dead than it was before …

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Why did they do this? Makes no sense at all.

Yeah i really hope that the developers realize that this will make people go wsg/ab more but in the end everything will be unfair and one sided… Nobody in their right mind will support this but it looks like the devs think otherwise

I haven’t played AB for a couple months+ I think

It was brutal as alliance, lost most games

People didn’t try /afked/ spawn run into 10 enemies solo then die rinse and repeat like bots.

How are things now?

Probably the same except Horde now have to fight premades as well.

I got my share of the 0,01s astonishingly 5 times a row. Not a single 15man premades I faced yesterday.