P5 too soon?

Not everyone should get one eaither. We seen 2 right bindings and 1 eye in our guild, its not meant that everyone should run around with it, keep farming it next phase if you want the legendaries.

Yeah it’s crazy fast, literally going to get two raids with decent gear (not even close to bis) and then it’s back on the loot treadmill with retail-style ‘replace everything’ gearing. Makes me not want to keep playing because all the effort spent gearing (including word bosses who also don’t drop enough loot) is just wasted.

If they wanted a fast MC tier they needed to drop more loot or just do 2x MCs per week, no idea how people who didn’t do HL3 have loot because my guild struggled massively even on HL3.

Devs are just making random senseless decisions at this stage and disguising it as an ‘experiment’. Hopefully if they do a real classic+ we get a better team because SoD has been a mess.

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If you are asking to delay the release, they you havent been playing p4 at all. The release of P5 is on point, should had even been sooner.

Most people are already geared beyond even with alts.

and were do you get your info from. maybe your raid team has been lucky with rng and got themselfs full bis in this short time period but you can be 100% sure a vast majority of the players are not even close to full bis. 8-10 raid resets is not enough to reach full bis unless you are extremely lucky. so your logic that most people are geared beyond is not right

What is wrong with you retailers and your obsession with full bis?

I’m missing a ring, a neck and spinal reaper. I don’t need FULL bis, I just need good enough. The gear we have now would be fine for going into Naxxramas with in Classic.

Nah the retail mentality is ‘GG last boss dead go next raid release NOW NOW NOW I’M BORED GIVE MORE WOW’ which is what this tier has been speed wise.

Classic is supposed to be a chill pace, most people barely got a chance to do HL3.

If you didn’t get lucky you barely have tier 6 set, which is obviously important to have mid-way through the tier because it’s like a 20% dps gain for some classes.

Everybody had chance too, most people just didn’t want to farm the FR requirement.

H2 and H3 flood you with tier tokens. At this point my guild has people with 6 set on their offspecs. If you dont have 6 set by this point, you’ve been super unlucky.

When BWL and ZG come out, you can still go to MC. The MC loot is still good, you can use it all the way into Naxx.

BUT if you can’t be bothered to farm the FR requirement for HL3 now, you’re not going to bother in a month or two either. And the rest of the players shouldn’t come to a halt waiting for you.

Nah, Blizz deliberately made it something that takes time to farm and get geared up for, they even said that was the case. Then they release a super fast BWL, rather than actually giving people the time they said they expected people to need. SOD needed a dev team with a clear vision rather than just ‘vibes’ and ‘experiments’.

I’ve been doing HL3 from the start, the only way out of this tier with decent gear was to get lucky while only doing HL3.

Blizzard said phases would be coming faster; 3 months is fine.

MC is still in the game, you can still do it. More options for raiding is a good thing, people were still running MC during P5 of Classic.

Getting FR gear is easy, there’s cheap sets people can but on the auction house. If people haven’t done HL3 yet, they didn’t want to and were never going to.

Then you’re lying. We did a reset of HL1, 2 resets of HL2 and the rest on HL3. We’ve been overflowing with gear to the point where most gets deleted.

I dont have full bis on my chars but till now if you have played since start, you should have majority of BiS items. I still dont have leaf, hasnt dropped once but that doesnt mean that I wanna keep playing phase 4 just to get the leaf. Same goes for most people, they are close to BiS geared.

The raid has been cleared enough times, many people have stopped playing and prolonging phase will just kill SoD like it did in p3.

Wrong, the tier variance can be huge, I haven’t seen my set chest for 5 weeks. Congratulations for being so lucky, lots of people were not.

Blizzard said phases would be coming faster; 3 months is fine.

Wrong, 3 months would give us 3 weeks left. You can make your point without lying.

Next phases launches on the 26th, you have the rest of this reset and next reset. You also have Wednesday if you raid on that day; the phase launches Thursday night.

That’s essentially 3 more weeks left. Stop being so damn literal.

Okay so everybody else has to come to a halt because you were unlucky on one drop? Have you also been doing Onyxia twice a week?

And again, you dont need full bis moving into the next phase. MC isn’t getting deleted, you can go back whenever you want. Hell, T2 even has the option of taking the T1 set bonus so you can just grab the T2 chest instead.

Max MC lockouts = 10 = 2.5 months. Stop being ridiculous. This is how we measure time in WoW.

Okay so everybody else has to come to a halt because you were unlucky on one drop? Have you also been doing Onyxia twice a week?

The point is that the devs are supposed to give a reasonable gearing time versus the tier duration, that’s all.

If they want 2x raid per week at this loot rate, fine. If they only want 10 lockouts then we’re going to need more drops because this roulette of sparsity is not fine.

They have. 10 weeks of MC, along with double kills on Onyxia and World Bosses (which are no longer contested) and twice as much loot per kill spread between half as many people as Classic.

That’s more than enough.

Nah, you’re just repeating basic observations as though it’s an argument now, let it go.

Fact is you got lucky or play an easy to gear class. Good job. But your experience is not universal and a lot of people have an issue with not being geared, myself included, despite doing all content at max difficulty on all lockouts.

Happens when the rogue item has a 90% dropchance :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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Yes, but they also gave us an insane ammount of gear from molten core. Hope they learn someday!

MC need’s a 3 day lockout. expecting people to wait a week for 40 minutes of raiding is just ridiculous

Yeah I blinked and missed P4

I know they have been chasing their tails alot with SOD and making it up as they go along to a certain extent

Wish they had it set out a bit more concrete and advertised phase lengths etc or tried to make all phases roughly the same amount for time and arranged content that way

Anyone know how long SOD has till they kill it?

What if i told you that if people weren’t crying around 3 months ago then MC would be a “2 IDs per week raid” by default?
And then now people would not be crying around because the phase 4 was too short because then we would have 20x MC instead of 10x MC.