P5 too soon?

Is it just me or is it kinda too soon?


We were promised fast phases.

Its not to soon. People are geared, and already raid-logging.

Hopefully p5 gives us more to do, besides raiding 1 raid.

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Is the guaranteed Release date already announced?

i need 2 items. both off rag. multiple offspec tanking peices to boot too. not soon enough id say.

Yes, just not to us EU peasants as per usual.


perfect timing for once.

after the literal guild-killing drought in phase 3 i’m happy they are not only giving us phase 5 in 15 days, but that they also chose to skip the infamous “zg-only-phase”

i was NOT looking forward to getting only BWL followed by a full phase where all we get is ZG.

P4 9 weeks now, and +2 to come… i think that is perfect timing.
For sweatlords too long, for super casuals too short, perfect for the median player… the goal of p4 is not that every casual player and his mom is clearing MC H3.

It’s fine, even at my slow pace I managed to clear MC3 times, got even a few loots from there.

Probably going there this last 2 resets and who knows even trying H2 when BWL hits.

It would be better if the first three phases were so fast…

Timing seems about right … however I only just got my full tier 0.

My main worry is that the population is going to dwindle, the ability catch up gear wise will be difficult purely from a logistical standpoint.

Not too soon at all for me, very ready for the next phase.


Nah no way it’s too soon. It’s good timing even casuals are more or less fully mc geared. And you can see that the amount of players is dwindling heavily over the last few weeks.

You had 14 raid bosses in Phase 4 and say that people raid log already? That’s on them I say, just do something that you wanted to try out, content already. If you ignore content and say you have done “everything”, you cannot ask for more content.

Not about that, we went 9 weeks so far with MC on farm and saw at best 2 bindings from garr. Totally screwed over on geddon binding + eyes.
The legendary droprate compared to the length of this phase has been pathetic.

Sweatlords are seriously harming the game with their elitist mindset every phase, they might not play at all and don’t do the given content.

The issue in P4 has been recruiting if one of your raiders decided to drop, if you full clear H3 weekly you need h3 FR geared players otherwise it wont work out.

You have seen what’s coming in the next weeks right? TWW patch, Cata Firelands Patch and then P5 SoD are all in the same timeframe.

So? I know 1 person who plays retail and SoD and nobody who plays cata. It’s different audiences for the most part.

Yeah, 14 bosses which are in RAIDS. Yes, they only raidlog for those bosses. Not sure how the number is relevant. The best gear comes from raids, and the raids are cleared in like 2-3 hours.

Yeah, but what content do you have exactly? Pve, runes, professions, bg’s. I didnt really find any of the other classes that much fun, so i didnt make an alt. (I didnt like the res farm for h3)

Runes are quite fast to get, professions equally so. Dungeons loses its appeal after running them for X amount of time, farming for prebis.

So that leaves raids and pvp? Ill admit, pvp is alot of fun and thats what i spend most of my time on.

Is it worth playing destro lock in p5?

according to locks no, but i bet people still do because support playstyle still exists. locks got done dirty on their dps tier, there shouldve been freedom to play whatever dps but blizz doesnt like destro so there aint much to be done except grinding that demonic trinket that might aswell not exist.

It will be better than in p4.
So i would say yes if somebody insists on the “fire mage who had a stroke” playstyle.
But at heart we all know that a warlock is a shadow dot and demon class.

josh greenfield also stated in a interview that raids will have time to breath. this does not feel like getting time to breath to me. at this rate we can say goodbye to SoD at the end of december at new year. if not sooner…

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