Painsmith are you kidding me?

Because you could not be further away with you suggestion. Devs even told us in several interviews that normal should be the “friends & family experience”. Also WCL clearly speaks a language for itself in terms of numbers.

Your elitist opinion is fine, clear you mythic and don’t get into every discussion you feel like attacking causals.

Again having an opinion is fine but don’t wonder if people with a brain, who understand how to read kill success numbers on WCL express their fact based opinions too.

But reading your other posts on this forum you are just trolling

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Again, casual content doesn’t mean freebies.

Sorry if thinking a couple of wipes isn’t the end of the world makes me elitist in your eyes.


just get good

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Your 6/10 Normal (with no painsmith kill) and 10/10 LFR CN makes you the perfect person to enlighten us.


Maybe, play better?

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Higher wipe ok.
Painsmith normal 18,956 Kills.
Sylvanas normal 8629 Kills.

My guild has started prog on painsmith HC, cool fight, but it’s more a mechanics check.

First you should start posting with your main before you qew qew

So Friends and Family can’t avoid mechanics? That has nothing to do with elitist. But expecting to one shot everything without wiping is kinda weird. Be happy that stuff is challenging. Or do you want to clear all content in the first week so you have again months of nothing to do?

He obviously a slacker and since you “complain” about him complaining, he obviously goes for this approach, thinking anyone would give him the big “TRUE”

Hopefully this reset is a better experience. He’s had some tuning. Good luck in your raid this week.

Yeah obviously I’m wrong because EVERY boss got a higher kill rate than painsmith… I killed him by the way just saying that normal should be easy and not a nightmare for PUG groups.

And blizz even tuned him this reset so you elitists are obvsly WRONG.

We aint WRONG just because blizzard is tuning stuff down, so pugs can finally kill the dude, it’s always the same if people blaze trough the raid on Normal post would be “Why is SoD so fing easy?!” but the second a boss isn’t getting killed first pull it “OMG Blizzard, it’s impossible!”.

It’s obviously that people just don’t prep and join a pug hopeing to kill stuff first try! Like how fing hard is it, to destroy balls, dodge fing spikes that have a clear pattern and not stand to close to a dude surounded by chains? I did 1 attempt with a pug on Painsmith and he went down to 30% in one pull untuned BTW.

Every time content is just slightly above the difficulty of WQ, people come out of there holes crying and getting it nerfed in the longs run, This happend to Visions, Torghast, Raids and M+, just check all the m+ nerfs troughout 9.0 and now with 9.1, but hey can’t have people missing out on KSM, next thing is mythic getting it’s difficutly nerfed down to HC can’t have little Jimmy miss out on his RWF attempt now can’t you?

I mean holy hell, people already poop there pants about the new Scoring System of Torghast because it’s “Impossible to 4 Star!” or the Phatasma Blob affix, imagine a CC’abble mob causes this much trouble for people.

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Look dude, i understand you, i’m not saying you are completly wrong, the thing is just that people expect stuff to be killed super quickly, especially on Normal or HC and i know full well you killed him obviously not on these alts, but on your druid. Maybe it’s just me, but i think that Raids should have a certain Roadblock where it’s like “From this points onwards a pug aint cutting it chief”.

For pugs we have LFR in my opinion it’s just that simple.

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Good that they buffed him and not nerfed him :joy:

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Wdym? Killed him yesterday, and he felt like a pushover compared to last week.

Timers got changed in hc and n and intermission got the spiky balls added in mythic

The mythic buff doesn’t affect the other 2 modes, and the timer change allows you to drop traps inside the moving wall of spikes, instead outside, giving you significantly more time to remove them.

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true - but we are on 2nd week of raid being open and people lacks gear.

with gear it will be a joke - have you for example noticed that spikes dont 1 shot you on normal ? so often its ok to eat 1 or 2 of them in intermisiion just to not get hit by fire.

with gear healers will just outheal dmg there eventually

tbh i think that the boss after painsmith is much much harder tbh as its much bigger dps and mechanic check .