Paladins are too OP in this content need nerf it
Bubble, immune, self heal, wing, slow, ranged dmg, mobility skill (horse), lay on hands ect these only on 1 character need nerf it
100k Chaos Bolt. Fear. Life Drain. Healthstone. Soulstone. Gateway. Etc.
Paladins are strong but you need to learn to play, mate! ^^
Chaos bolt with affli? 70k dmg in wings slow lifedrain?? only with trait soulstone 30-40% hp while lay on hands 100%
Bubble? immortal + resist + immune and i need learn play? while u in bubble with wings i die
Warlock is much more op than pala.
Oh, I am sorry. DoTs for days then. Learn to use your gateways. The environment.
Get more gear, use your defensives. You are a Warlock. You are the tankiest cloth user out there. If you are being destroyed through all that then that isn’t really a Paladin’s fault if you are undergeared or don’t use your defensives correctly…
Exactly. If a warlock knows how to position well and manuever then he can kite and kite…while dot-ing and sucking his life out, forcing the pala to self heal constantly. Retri pala’s ranged dmg is almost none. I haven’t played affl, but have a destro lock and he does quite a lot of ranged dmg.
A pala relies on heavy burst with wings with you slowed, and then waits for his cd’s, but if you survuve (out-position) this burst, you have continuous dmg and can wear him down, forcing him to bubble, outheal. His mana is not that high, he will oom, while you coninue to dot.
In my personal experience one of the most frequent reasons for losing (lets say 1v1) is panic.
what about other classes? i agree paladins are OP as hell but its not like blizz is going to do something since its their favourite class -.-
If you ever EVER EVER wanna be taken sliiiiightly seriously do not, I repeat DO NOT, put mobility in the same sentence with paladins…
And seriously, this kind of post could have the tittle “I just tried to gang X class and he/she obliterated me, neeerf X class asap”…
Yesterday I did 2v2 in an open world, me and a disc vs healer monk and a warlock. First it was only the monk. I could take down a lot of his hp, but of course he healed himself to the full like crazy. The priest kinda stood aside, I didn’t need to be healed. I thought I’d wear the monk down by pressing (pointless, I know), but I kept chasing, the battle was very very long. But then a lock came. No sh…t…This dude did me so hard, that even the healing from the priest wouldn’t turn things. We somehow balanced to move from us losing to equal situation (with me constantly healing myself, bubbles, etc). No one won in the end, they left, we left to do the nearby WQ. But that lock…
A ltp issue is always a better situation than a nerfed class - then at least you can change things by playing better.
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