Paladin sub specs

So what are your thoughts on what we know so far?

As i got it every spec can choose between 2 of the 3 options and those 3 are

-Herald of the Sun

And my guess for ret the 2 options are Templar and Herald of the Sun and by the names of the specs they focus on the 2 new dmg types we got on our rework, Holystrike and Radiant dmg.

My fear is that thats all they will add… dmg. No gapcloser, no new way to move about or get enemies to be in one place etc. Just plain old add more dmg here while lowering dmg there.

Wishful thinking. Gap closer and damage boost while using sword and shield.

I think they should have “Crusader” as one option.

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I dont really understand these spec names when there others they couldve went with.

Templar is fine but we could have Exarch, Vindicator, Zealot, Blood Knight, Sunwalker, Voidwalker.

Due to the crystal in the new zone and the new earthen they couldve even had crystal knight. It wouldve fit with draenei and dwarfs too.

Those are Draenei titles

Blood elf title

Tauren title for Paladins, they arent actually Paladins in the sense that humans and Dwarfs are. They are only the same in the sense of game mechanics.

I wonder what you mean with this title tho. You meant for a true fallen paladin spec like Ret should have been? But going shadow is a nah for me tbh

Herald of the Sun sounds like it would be a combo of ret and holy which would turn it into more of a range holy spec, at least that is what i think it might turn into.
Templar HOPEFULLY a more movable ret spec, but more realistic its just gonna be a more tanky ret that uses both prot and ret assets, maybe even make so wings make you into the anicent guardian as prot.

but you can already be that, via wraths reputation you can get that title :nerd_face:

Long arm of the law is what I need

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