Paladin tank LF guild

Hi everyone,

I am currently looking for a guild that will do mythic + dungeons and raids. I am only really looking for 18+ guilds that use voice coms and has members that have a good sense of humor and don't mind a joke. I have a busy work life and so I will only really be able to raid on Fridays and Saturday.


there are tonnes of actively recruiting guilds. But forum recruitment seems to simmer down post expansion.

My guild is recruiting. We are an adult guild. A term that may need some definition. So. By adult i mean, we have jobs, uni, kids, health issues, real life issues... just, issues that mean wow cant be a priority. Because being a grown up sucks.

So, our point is that if you want to join. Fanny about in dungeons, do mythics, pug raids at 4am. Go for it. There is no requirement to raid or mythic with us to keep your place.

We do still raid, we do still endevor to do PvP, dungeons, raids and all that jazz together. But, its not a requirement. If you do choose to do arranged events in guild. Turn up. If you cant turn up, don't sign up. We usually raid on wednesday and sat evenings for normal. THen we have a progression group for monday/tuesday, that is dependant on peoples work shifts etc.

If you want more info on us. Please drop me a /w in game or on bnet Kalacia#2224 (ingame main name is same as bnet. Just no numbers)

Hi guys,

We're a few players who have played together for a long time :D

We're looking for fun and help players who wants to experience the game for more than just raiding, be it raiding old content for transmorg or just generally helping other guys in the guild out in dungeons or pvp...HAHAHA We don't mind what level or class you are, we hope your aims in the game align with ours:

We plan to raid 2 nights a week TUS + Sun 20.00-23.00 ST
Run old raids for transmorg gear
Help players level up in old dungeons when we can
Help gear up our alts in dungeons, heroic dungeons and finally in raids
Build a team of good friends to lead the guild ... ALL WELCOME