Paladin Tanking boring and doesnt feel right?

The day they removed AS generating HP is the day Prot Paladin felt bad to play.

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Problem with the current Play style it doesn’t fit the tanking meta you will always move, the 4 seconds of moving out from consecration doesn’t fit the play style you don’t get loads of uptime on consecration to justified having many talents in it, due to you constantly having to spam hammers to keep up holy power. I would put protection paladin in a D tier in a m+ and raid environment. Its the tank that needs a serious rework. Either rework our mastery to be on par with Absorb to our Shield of righteous after it expires to absorb some of the damage taken would fit with the mastery instead of us standing still on consecration.-
Then they should rework Divine Toll to knock enemy’s back in to us to be on par with other tank specs grouping up adds.

Paladin tank right now they are very squishy, and not very on the go as other tanks are, they should also rework our tool kits give us final stand as a passive talent that we get as tank since Final stand is literally something that Protection paladin should have also increase the range from 15 yards to 40.

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I like Prot Paly atm. BUT iam not playing Meta Build stuff or whatever maybe thats why.

Playing Lightsmith and Concecreation hits like a Truck with a few stacks etc.
I also picked every talent that boosts holy power generation and leaved haste aside.

That way the gameplay is pretty fun. Even if its not the best way to play a Prot Paladin.

For me its the Fun that matters. And aslong as my weird spec works out. I will have fun with it.

I really recommend “Bastion of Light” and “Sanctified Wrath”, those two almost everytime save me to maintain Shield of Rightousness, even though iam not focusing on haste.

So with the usual haste prefering Pala you should have NO problem at all to maintain it with those talents.

They also don’t have any heavy hitters? we have buffed shield bash and AS? bear form for example have maul and raze, pulv? the blessed hammers feel awful to use, there no imp[act to em or good feeling them are just silent and spin on the spot you used em, they could at least be centred on you and follow where you go and have better sounds that make a thumb when it hits something, and hammer feels just as lethargic.

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It should give absorb instead of damage reduction tbh.

They could make blessed hammers follow you on a dead lock indeed like divine storm.

Same with consecration they could add so it follows the paladin instead after 4 seconds after stepping out from it, it spawns on the paladins feet.

I mean i can;t get over how WEAK both blessed hammers and the other main ability is, outside of making a holy power it does next to nothing. it’s like they really cba with paladin anymore, I hear its super bad on both st and aoe dps now as well? I haven’t turned on DPS meters this expansion as they depressed me last expansion… But yeah I don’t get why consecration is not fixed on our char and moves with us, as we are the ones causing the ground to be consecrated so it should follow us.

Gona lose Blessed hammer damage focus more on judgment heal now

In the next patch

They need to buff blessed hammers damage by 20% and base haste by 4%

also think they need to make divine stead a 25 sec CD not a 45 sec cd

you will need a dracthyr each m+ and m0 you Run to reduce the cd of divine stead.

Buff our absorb on Dusk talent also by 70% instead of 35%

Easy fix: make it so that Avenger Shield gives holy power…

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Yep, whatever dev decided removing this ability was the way forward needs to find a new profession because it was unforgivable and incompetent.

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I totaly agree.

I started prot paly a few months BEFORE this change. Had the fun of my life ingame. And then this nerf came…
I did NOT touched Prot Paly till now in TWW.

Because i cant get used to it…

Even now i hate it that shieldthrow gives nothing. it should give holy power thats just correct.

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Fully agree with your statement! Prot atm have forgotten what it means to be a paladin. I remember back in i think cata? when i was leveling a paladin at lvl 10 and could finally spec into prot paladin. When i first threw out that avengers shield and it legit took 70-80% of the mobs health and was the absolute core of your gameplay and i thought to myself that was how a paladin should feel. (not like now where i dont even wanna press it because it doesnt give holy power and hits like a wet noodle & doesnt bounce to enough targets so you dont get threat and feel good going into a pack.)

I just wanna be able to run in avengers shield (that hits everyone) then Hammer of the righteous (with a rework so that you dont have to stand in consecration for it to be aoe, such a bad gameplay loop) and then have enough HP for Shield of the righteous so i can get my mitigation going. This would be an awesome general opener and then have consecration as an afterthought. An ability you would use (like back in the day) to make sure you were able to keep threat and because its a good aoe ability. Make the insentive for putting it down its aoe dmg & threat potential not ANY defensive propperties.
I would be completely fine with consecration being a button not needed if you are doing singletarget content.

This would make gameplay way more fun in my opinion than having to blessed hammer out of combat so you dont feel HP starved for you to then go in and be forced to put down consecration really early so you arent being oneshot, then scramble to get aggro because your spells dont really hit enough targets and feel weak and your avengers shield not hitting any targets and not giving HP so you dont feel like using it for anything other than a silence bc its also a wet noodle in terms of dmg. Idk the current playstyle just doesnt feel right like you said. It makes you scramble for HP and threat, not to say the defensive CD bloat

Btw comments here is based on how to spec feels to play and not the 100% optimal gameplay.


I am so glad to see Elresia (and others) have had my exact issues with prot.

It’s tedious to play. Lethargic is an excellent choice of word. The skills have no impact, no sensation.

Every single part of both version of Hammer feel horrible. Being unable to AOE until they’re in consecration, or worse throwing those noodle hammers in an ugly circle around me for zero impact (BY THE LIGHT I HATE THAT SKILL!). Dreadful.

Almost every single core attack it has: [Shield of the Righteous], [Eye of Tyr], Righteous/Blessed Hammer, ALL of them feel like "hit enemy for meh damage and meh effect and no sensation. [Avenger’s Shield] somehow even lost it’s lustre; I can only assume that’s from not generating HP but I’ve picked every talent to buff it just to give myself at least one spell that feels remotely worth pressing and I still don’t enjoy it.

Half of the cooldowns have the same issue.
[Moment of Glory] gives you a shield based on your damage, but since your damage skills feel awful, it feels awful by extension.
[Bastion of Light] gives you a bit of extra Holy Power on your Judgment. Meh.
[Hammer of Light] feels weird being attached to a (lifeless) defensive and eats your already low HP.
[Ardent Defender] is hard to track (buffs shifting all the time) and has no fanfare when it triggers the revive, which could otherwise be quite cool, albeit risky to a fault to actually use.
[Divine Toll] is pretty good.

I’d be more than happy for them to fully scrap every aspect of prot and start over. Actually, I’d love that. Bin it completely.

I want to get into tanking more and the easiest by far would be to off-spec my main dps class. But it is pretty simple. Whilst on paper it looks and feels fine. I do look at the Demon Hunters leaping about or the monks stagger and brews, etc etc and just wish I had something… more.

Avenger’s shield is not really being pressed cause it doesnt extend shake of the heavens window like judgment/hammer of wrath/blessed hammer do. It only does if it kicks with punishment. They would have to let it extend naturally for it to be pressed once again.

problem is paladin doesn’t have anti magic shield nor group play they were way more useful in Warcraft 3 than current wow pretty much all other classes are V12 Engine compared to paladin whose still a bicycle class.

blizzards response is

problem is they buff the not problem thing which is healing what prot paladin needs is DR damage reduction and a aoe stun.