Paladin Tanking boring and doesnt feel right?

I thought i’d try going tank this expansion and main paladin again from druid in df. but tanking as a paladin feels soo strange? also ever since Avenging shield stopped generating holy power the whole rotation feels really bad, its like im waiting for cooldowns on hammer and judge to hit like an utter wet noodle, no sound, no impact, nothing nice about it, just to slowly build 3 HP to spend on a shield which lasts much less time than i can upkeep HP, Unlike bear form who can at least spam aoe constantly if needed and is always so full of rage you can keep ironfur up. the holy armaments tree also feels utterly strange and boring? i have to use 2 globals on doing 2 buffs on myself which last less than 17 seconds?

The whole class feels boring and lethargic, just waiting for AS Procs or messing about placing consecration or slowly trying to build hp, also hammer of wrath in all specs feels weaker than a crusader strike…


My honest opinion about Templar Tank i love it a lot and its fun.

Only point is every tank has aoe pulls and grips Prot paladin doesn’t have that and movementspeed.

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I tried it a bit, and I have never felt so holy power starved before, and compared to some of the other tanks, I didn’t feel like my attacks did any damage.

Playing prot pala 5 years now and thats worst i ever feel playing it.


Sadly yeah prot feels like dog water if u wanna play shield type class just go warrior now

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Prot is barely playable on leveling. That is just sad.

Tried my Prot paladin for 2 levels… It feels so horrible to play. Constantly HP starved, even at 43% baseline haste. And now they add a hero talent ability that cost 5 HP?? I don’t even want to imagine how that’s going to play at max level when your secondary stats are lacking for 1-2 seasons.

The core design of Prot is just bad. You shouldn’t need 40%+ haste to be functional and keep your active mitigation up. None of the other 5 tanks have this issue, even with full green gear at level 80.
If SotR lasted like 2 seconds longer pr cast, it wouldn’t constantly fall off, especially if you spend any HP on Word of Glory or the new Templar ability.
The overall toolkit of paladin is great, but the rotation/resource design is terrible. Who thinks it’s fun gameplay to be in a constant state of panic because your active mitigation is about to fall of any second? None of the other tanks have this problem at all, and I would argue that simply keeping your main mitigation up shouldn’t be a struggle.

It never felt right to me since Avengers Shield stopped generation holy power. was most fun it was when you could shield bounce enemies and generate holy power, now i have to use hammers or judge to build hp and the gcd feels soo slow and long to build 3 its just awful feeling. if Avengers shield procced and you cast it and built 3 hp it would feel a million times better

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Yeah exactly. Spamming Blessed Hammer out of combat isn’t exactly fun, but it’s needed to not be HP starved.


are they for real? the most lame set bonuses ever? tank set? 0.5% dmg from using a 3 holy power ability but it stacks? wtf is this nonsense? everything is just a small dmg or heal buff holy crap.


Only problem i have with prot i wish divine stead was a 25 sec cd instead of 45 sec.

Besides that Ive tried warrior took it to 80 as a tank all i can say their Ignore pain scales to 1mil meanwhile paladins absorb scales to only 100k. I think the tuning for prot paladin scaling must be of a tad might be tuned in the prepaid week.

Also remember we lost the healing on blessed hammer.

I still like prot tanking though way more now than in previous expacks now we dont need to stand in consecration we can be block gods.

Also liking the templar 1mil crits with the hammer.

I think the tuning for their absorbs needs to be addressed some paladins i see struggles on pulls you really shouldn’t struggle on.

Also one more side beef i have with paladin i wish they added a pull adds close to you button like DKs and Monks and druids and warriors and DHs literally thats the only thing i miss when playing a prot paladin a grouping up button that groups up the adds.

paladin is the only tank right now without a aoe grouping up button which is odd thats why i wish they did something with divine stead that you push people infront of you or something paladin is falling of due to not having a grouping up button you still useing a 2004 line of sight to grouping adds up.

I find that 4 set lackluster might go for for only 2 set since it does something but not a whole lot.

The devs might change it during raid testing.

as likely as paladins going back to pre-legion state.

As someone relatively new to Paladin tanking, who has also spent a little time so far in TWW as a Protection Warrior, I’ll throw my hat in the ring. Paladin tank feels a bit clunkier than Warrior, in my opinion, for a few reasons (please note this is from the perspective of someone closer to average in skill level, as opposed to advanced):

Active Mitigation Uptime

Shield of the Righteous can be difficult to maintain perfect uptime on with low haste (which is hard to avoid at the outset of an expansion). A Prot Warrior by comparison feels like its drowning in rage and I can effectively push Ignore Pain as it falls off without being starved for resources. Consecration has been made more flexible with the 4 second delay in fall off, thankfully, so moving for mechanics doesn’t feel as bad. But its definitely the case where I feel like maintaining my active mitigations as a Warrior is easier.

Hero Talents

Both of Prot Paladin’s options are active, as opposed to purely passive. Lightsmith is useful but with Holy Armaments being on the GCD, it feels like stopping your rotation mid play to throw buffs out. This further hurts when trying to keep Shield of the Righteous uptime where I need to be casting my Holy Power generators as much as possible. I think moving Holy Armaments off the GCD would feel a lot better, and I don’t think it would be incredibly overpowered. In particular it would make the shield easier to pass to an Ally on short notice.

Templar offers more damage and doesn’t add any additional keybinds, but does something similar to the original Trickster design where it turns a defensive CD into an offensive CD. This is less egregious perhaps on a tanking spec where you will be throwing out defensive CDs regularly to mitigate damage as opposed to saving them for a panic scenario as a DPS, but where it does hurt is again in the Holy Power economy. The follow up to Eye of Tyr requires 5 Holy Power (granted Eye of Tyr is upgraded by Templar to give us 3 Holy Power) but it is still asking us to use our primary defensive resource to do more damage. Removing the Holy Power requirement, or making the Eye of Tyr follow up give us a free Shield of the Righteous would help to smooth out the Shield of the Righteous uptime challenge prompted by Templar.

By contrast, Mountain Thane provides Warrior with

  • more passive damage output
  • passive DR from pressing Thunder Blast
  • additional rage generation via Thorim’s might
  • a buff to the damage reduction provided by Demoralising Shout

All without adding additional complexity, or forcing Warrior to stop core damaging or defensive buttons.

Edit: grammar and I was incorrect about Thunder Clap’s DR in Mountain Thane

What they should do is make [Light of the Titans] ← In to an absorbsion instead of a heal over time since paladins Prot have to many heals as is. Its better that it does absorbs, make it a thing like Prot warriors Ignore Pain then make it coexsist with [Shield of the Righteous][Word of Glory] .

a small thing like that would fix the constantly having to spam [Blessed Hammer] out of combat also fix the constantly having to stand in consecration which can be very boring but it should only be an option to make more damage on spender ability’s not a mastery tbh IMO

made a suggestion here.

I just started my druid, and I’m only lvl 71 but the class feels much more powerful? 450k FB’s and aoe fb, the hero trees actually looks fun to use and in bear spec you can lit keep ironfur up easy as cake and the rotation feels much less janky and all over the place, you can just spam SWIPE if you want and spend rage on IF and Raze…

I don’t get it, Druid bear has all these super heavy hitting powerful st and aoe attacks and poaladin has only hammer or right or blessed hammers? which both hit like a noodle? what am i missing?

outdated information, this was changed couple weeks prior to early access to only cost 3 holy power, we’re net even with holy power but it’s still a gcd cost. It’s actually quite fun to play templar right now, especially when you craft your gear with missives, i’ve got 14k haste and 10k mastery

Shield of righteous lasts far too little time, by time i’ve used it and done another global is coming off… Ironfur is like double the time? and far easier to upkeep and less punishing, why is that? is druid just a vastly better more fun tank now? does the paladin dev need replacing?

Yeah exactly. You have to spend all your holy power on it, and even then it’s difficult to maintain full uptime. They might as well change Word of Glory back to Hand of Light where it was simply a heal with a 10 sec CD that didn’t cost anything, because the only time you can press WoG is when you have free procs.

Now there, are periods where you pop cooldowns, divine toll, etc where you might be able to generate some extra HP, but because baseline SotR is so short, you can’t really build up a bit of a buffer.

For me to even consider playing prot paladin again, they would have to do one or more of the following:

  • Avenger’s Shield generate Holy Power
  • SotR duration increased to around 6-7 seconds. This would put it on par with Shield Block, Iron Fur, Demon Spikes, etc. This would reduce some of the ridiculous haste requirements for Prot, and smooth out the rotation a bit. It’s not like you’re immortal with the armor buff from SotR. It’s just less likely you’ll get oneshot. It would still be capped at 18-21 second max duration, like other similar abilities.
  • Redesign mastery so you’re not missing out on 20-25% dmg reduction by not standing in Consecration. It’s and outdated design in the modern game, where you have to move constantly. It helps with the 4 second lingering effect, but you still have to constantly re-cast it. While BDK has somewhat of a similar design with Death and Decay, it doesn’t impact survivability that much. You’re not going to crumble by stepping out of it, or having a second or two of downtime.