Paladin Tier 2 Set Effects are HORRIBLE

Please do not release them, they contradict playstyles, class & spec fantasy and usefulness.


2/6 Increases the bonus chance to Block from Holy Shield by 10%.

  • we’re avoidance capped in pre-raid gear. This is an aoe set which T1 does a whole better job at.

4/6 You take 10% reduced damage while Holy Shield is active.

  • way too strong, this will be definitive till the end of the game, people will use 4/6 permanently.

6/6 Your Reckoning talent now has a 20% chance per talent point to trigger when you Block.

  • you’ll have all Prot paladins simply run T1, you’ll break that set by necessity to use T2 4/6 due to spell dmg and promote Reckoning after WHICH WE DO NOT TAKE 5/5, we have 3/5 as talent trees simply don’t allow it.

I looked at all other specs & the sets are overall horrible, you cannot move away from “the perfect class fantasy and optimal playstyle” and replace it with inferior sets.

Personally I knew this would happen as Blizzard landed T1 sets PERFECTLY for the majority of the classes.

At this stage, keep T1 sets for T2 if this will be your final product.


For people wondering about Ret & Holy:

2/6 Increases damage done by your damaging Judgements by 20% and your Judgements no longer consume your Seals on the target.
4/6 The cooldown on your Judgement is instantly reset if used on a different Seal than your last Judgement.
6/6 Your Judgement grants 1% increased Holy damage for 8 sec, stacking up to 5 times.

2/6 Increases the critical strike chance of Holy Shock by 20%.
4/6 Increases the damage done by your Consecration by 50%.
6/6 While you are not your Beacon of Light target, your Beacon of Light target is also healed by 100% of the damage you deal with Consecration, Exorcism, Holy Shock, Holy Wrath, and Hammer of Wrath.


Idk, holy looks cool :smiley:

Stop whining

Delete retri and prot t1 6 set while you at it Blizz. Must been bugged same as weapon procs apparently is…

Holy + ZG holy mix looks rather cool. I am hyped for it

Laughs in destro warlock. RIP us. we get nothing.

Fortunately, you can get ‘core-forged’ T2. Which is T2 stats and appearance, but T1 set bonus.

The DPS warrior tier bonus is garbage too.

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yeh just shouts “were lazy” use these.

I like that you can keep prio set bonuses. The T2 for warriors looks more fun but there’s no way in hell that it’s going to be stronger than T1’s flat 10% damage and 10% crit chance.

Paladins crying? By jove now I’ve seen it all!



They’re always crying xD

Well mostly there are one guy crying, and we all know who that is

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If I had 1g for every time someone made some definitive prediction (like the following quote), I’d be the biggest whale in SoD!

I would like to know what you’re smoking. Attacking twice with my thunderfury into art of war almost every time I block is going to be much better than the tier 1 holy shield thorns at 6/6. You don’t need the holy shield full duration.

“You guys get new set bonuses for T2?” -Said the destro lock :slight_smile:

Most classes will be sticking to their T1 set bonuses I think.

Blizzard dun-goofed with Warrior. The 6 set makes us stance dance, but essentially gives us 10% damage and 10% crit chance; nothing will ever top that.