Paladin Tier 20 Set

Can you guys help me find a good looking shield and a one handed sword for the Paladin Tier 20 set? The Radiant Lightbringer Armor, the Mythic one. It would be awesome. :slight_smile:

You can check my character if you dont know what set I’m talking about.

Not sure about sword, but mace+shield from hidden app of Legion’s protection paladin artifact - Vindicator’s Bulwark (the right version, in golden colours).
Will be displayed only when in protection spec tho.

If aiming for separate sword+shield, it’s a way harder task.
As sword, almost-perfect is long-unobtainable Argent Avenger, the hardest is trying to find suitable shield which is a Bastion of Purity.
But, for that shield - way more suitable to use a mace, Scepter of Azshara with Illusion: Light of the Earthwarder. (For Holy spec).

P.S. Forgot to mention, it can quite depend on exact race, best-looking on Draenei and Lightforged Draenei.

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