Palading tanking needs rework

i know elitists do a great job and tanking for pro paladins is best now… but for normal people i think its so much button smashing.
at 635 ilvl for first boss on grim batol for ex i have to stay in consacration, have 3 holy pwoer for shield and use another defenisve on skull smasher
all this while needing to move because of mechanics. i small miss button press and its a wipe.
and on trash, again i have to be in consacration and use shield of righeous wich requiere 3 holy powers so i do not die to the big fire golem punch before 2nd boss and on some packs again with 3 different defensives up to not die
its stupid design. not fun. no wonder we lack the tanks.
to many buttons to press, know tactics, pick a good route, always move, alwways button pressing and then 1 small miss step and boom wipe and on pugs that usualy means leaving
sad. it is very sad

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Absolutely not lol. We don’t need to drop ppal difficulty down. It sits nicely in middle since 11.0.5 rework. If you find it too hard just try playing one of the two easy tanks mechanically - pwar or bear.

I just want them to make Shining Light WoGs cost no mana, and several dead talents in general tree made more viable

i have to be in consacration and use shield of righeous wich requiere 3 holy powers so i do not die to the big fire golem punch before 2nd boss and on some packs again with 3 different defensives up to not die
its stupid design. not fun. no wonder we lack the tanks.

That’s just a combination of dungeons being made incredibly unfriendly for tanks and community being toxicity if you fail to hold responsibility as they make your life harder not doing what they’re supposed to do to make the run smoother

They need to fix being absolutely annihilated without defensive on tanks. It feels horrible when you literally can’t pull because you don’t have defensives.

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