Paladins are way too weak

-Retri paladin needs a pvp talent that will reduce healing or absorb healing like all other melee dps have, its so hard to run 2s vs all other dps who have reduce healing and win on dampening.
-Justical vengence have to turn into justical verdict and remove templars and final verdict . jv takes 0 benefits from other talents buffs.
-In general paladins talents are so bad overall and they need fix as soon as posible 50% of the talents are so weak or useless.
-Most of pvp talents like [Jurisdiction][Divine Punisher][Law and Order] have to swap into normal talents and remove all or the most of consecration talents .
-Replace [Divine Resonance]with [Ringing Clarity] otherwise Divine toll turns into a stupid aoe with 1 min cd wtf?
-We need back our buffs and rework our auras most of our auras are so weak or useless like retribution aura ffs…
-With the new dampening changes into the arena our off heals are super weak and almost no point to use.
-[Divine Steed] had to go into paladin basic spells and not talent and in his place add a new type of mobility .
-Raid utility for all specs

  • Divine shield off the gcd
  • If cringe steed stays remove it from gcd and make it supress snares.
  • Rework/remove Holy Avenger.
  • Actualy give us something brand new and fun.

Holy paladin needs for sure more dmg something like 3 holy power spender dmg range ability .


Ret palas can 1v4 in wPvp against equally geared players. Mage, shaman and warlock + Dracthyr.

I think the problem you are encountering is equal to the fact that you might not be good enough at the Ret Spec?

Holy Pala I can agree with needing a slight buff, protection as well albeit in a different direction cause, you know. Different specs.

Fully agree. It is absolutely disgusting what state RET is in. We have low mobility. Low healing and bubble is on GCD and dispellable. These things would be OK if we had big burst which didn’t rely on RNG but here we are. Not to mention that we have zero damage outside of wings. And I mean zero. Now compare this CRAP to Evoker, DH, Assass Rogues. They have HUGE damage. Insane bubbles/avoids/vanish/dodges and the best mobility in the game.

I mean how does this compare in any way? We are probably the worst dps PVP spec in the game at the moment.

The person above me has no idea what he’s talking about, just fyi.


Wpvp isn’t real pvp. Also big doubt.

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Ret palas can 1v4 in wPvp against equally geared players. Mage, shaman and warlock + Dracthyr.


Nothing to See Here, Move Along Folks

If the players are potatoes, sure. Each and every single spec can do that, btw.

If 4 casters lost to a Ret, I think it is telling us that it’s them who need to learn to play. Not gonna lie.

There should literally be an achievement for somehow managing to lose.


reroll to rogue. survive like a tank. heal like a healer. also 1 shot people and have the best toolkit plus cc in the game while others get nerfed. enjoy

Ret has probably the most sustained damage in the game right now out of all melees, and VERY bursty on top of that.
Just 0 mobility or heals.

Was wargaming with a r1 ret 2 days ago and he was 40-45k dps every single round and topping the meters by a long shot. This obviously with all players being around equal skill and full gear.
The dps there were ret, war, warlock, sp I think.

We need more heals… we used to be one of the best off healers in the game, now we might aswell take out heals off our actions bars all together, and our damage is below average at best in all aspects, even our burst is wank compared to last expansion

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