Pancakes with ice cream appreciation thread 🥞

So Pancakes with Icecream is one of the Seven Wonders in the world. You should try it it’s really that good. :pancakes: :ice_cream: :japanese_goblin:


Damnit, now I want some, and I can’t cook :frowning:


and what about brioches with ice cream? :wink:


well damn, that does look nice, but waffles and ice cream would be king right now


Looks like a “russian pancake” (blin/блин). I thought when people refer to pancakes they usually mean the puffy ones.


I might get a lot of flak for this, but pancakes taste disgusting.

It’s like eating dry socks.

I’m not sure what pancake you ate to make you think that. Like was it a no sugar pancake or something?

Don’t know really, tried it like 2-3 times and just decided I’d never eat pancakes again.

I mean I get people who might think it’s sickeningly sweet but dry socks sounds like the opposite of that.

Those fat puffy ones aren’t pancakes. Pancakes are thin and flat.


Is this like a british vs american thing? I’m not a native speaker.

Why does no one here keeps in mind that I try to eat healthier?! I don’t know if you all seen a fat cat try to jump…
If I become fatter you are all to blame!

Well the USAians tend to get everything wrong, including pancakes. But I think the English does as well, from my time over there I seem to recall them calling proper pancakes creeps (WTH?), so maybe they call the fat ones pancakes too :no_mouth:

The Heroes of the Storm term is “minions”.

Oh wait you mean crepes? I mean one could argue that any cake made with a pan is a pancake, which includes crepes and blini/blintzes.

you mean crepes suzette with ice cream, something French

Yep, super dry.

Not a fan of ice cream with pancakes. They just end up a soggy mess. Both seperated are god tier though.

Looks a bit too manbun and turnups for me.

waffles > pancakes