[Panda Remix] Seed of Corruption doesn't pop from damage

Seed of Corruption (whether with or without Sow the Seeds) does not explode from damage, only after the long duration.

This bug does not exist on Retail.

I have gathered 23,800 Threads. My abilities deal more damage than what is required according to the tooltip.

Already sent in a bug report, but I doubt it’ll be fixed within 3 months if it’s only reported through the ingame bug reporting feature.

Seed of Corruption (whether with or without Sow the Seeds) does not explode from damage, only after the long duration.

Dealing AoE Dmg is impossible.

This bug does not exist on Retail.

Already sent in a bug report, but I doubt it’ll be fixed within 3 months if it’s only reported through the ingame bug reporting feature.

Hello and thanks for the reports,

This has been reported by other players as well and is already under investigation.

The in-game bug reporter is still the best way to let us know about issues like, so please do keep using it as needed!

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