[Pandaren-RP] 🍂 The Fallen Leaf: Hiatus

Hi there! Thought I’d drop a message here as you were offline I believe when I tried whispering. I’m defo interested!


Hey! I’m currently in a hospital, so my availability will be a bit sporadic until this weekend/next week. Sindaru might be available from Thursday onwards.


Please take care of yourself and get better. :pray:


Take care! Hope you recover quickly.


Last week with the Fallen Leaf

The attack on the pirate stronghold was a success. While no losses on the Leaf’s side were accounted for, the forces provided by Captain Gnarlbough took casualties during the heat of battle. An Azerite cannonball and its ground-shakingpower was severely underestimated. Death as a result of friendly fire.

While thankful for the aid, the Boralus’ authorities opinions were divided.

The Leaf decided to take on more contract work in the meantime. Repairs of their ship was still underway, and the group is not fond of idling.

Captain Gnarlbough approached with an offer; a shipyard in Stormsong Valley ceased communication. Recently refitted to construct war-vessels, no message has ever reached or left that place.

On the same day, another contract was offered; a mage send by the Kirin Tor is investigating unusual signatures across Stormsong Valley’s ley-lines.

Accepting both, the Leaf ventured out north.

The Shipyard

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After arriving at the town of Brennadam the Leaf moved out to the shipyard. Soon enough they arrived and find it unusually void of people.

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Heavy rainfall made it difficult to spy far ahead, forcing the Leaf to dispatch rogues to take a closer look. Veiled, robed men were found walking about. They walked with hunched-over frames, not muttering any words whatsoever.

As the group moved closer, they faced a horrible revelation…

The Ley-Line Knots

Day 1-2

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Last incident left the group weakened and licking their wounds. Both the order’s Master and Jade-Shield were in no condition to lead, which left the recently appointed Leafguard Shinen to take on this duty.

After an initial investigation - which left a farmer’s farmland with a set of new craters - the group was lead to a hill central to Stormsong Valley where they witnessed the unusual state of a ley-line with their own eyes:

It was contorted, twisted and shaped into a knot-like pattern.

Coss, the mage-contractor, warned the Leaf about a powerful warding spell which would unleash the moment any ley line investigation occurs. It did not take long until the Leaf faced said wards in form of arcane elementals.

After the fight the group observed a vision of the culprit: a robed man in tide-sage clothing who left arcane traces ready to be followed.

Day 3

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The trace lead to the hill-build-town of Deadwash, where it is revealed that the inhabitants are plagued by ongoing migraines for about a week. The Leaf offered their help mending those affected, and looked for the man of the vision.

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All clues lead to a house recently used for lodging by two tide-sage brothers. The group braced for the worst as they made their way to confront the men.

Later that night, the alarm bells of Deadwash carry their high-pitched chimes over the hill…

What else is happening?

Work on a small guild website and other media work is doing slow but steady progress. Thanks to the new WoW PTR we can finally show our Worgen and Goblin members in all their HD glory.

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A picture of most charming ensemble of the Leaf.
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After the Leaf’s fairly tumultuous trip to Kul Tiras, the group is back in Pandaria. This time they have found themselves as jailors for three criminals: Yaozhe, Xiu-Xia and Rya, two of which were already serving the Fallen Leaf by the time their criminal pasts were unveiled.

With the Shado-Pan sentencing them to serve the order for ten years each, the group is now seeking means to ensure they remain unable to escape when basic metal shackles and chains prove to be unreliable. The various options to secure the prisoners and their treatment has however caused tension within the group, as many have voiced their concerns over Shuang’s methods being too cruel.

Aside from their problems with criminals, the order has continued to take on small jobs here and there, one of which involved a corrupted merchant hiring the group to kill bandits he himself had hired to take out the competition. Unfortunately for him, the group ended up approaching the bandits with words before swords, and the plot was revealed before any of them had the chance to die.

Not long after, the order was made aware of a group of void using mogu collecting dangerous relics and artifacts into their vaults. The group was promptly convinced by an elderly priestess, Li-Lein, to pursue the mogu and end their mischief once and for all.

Their pursue led them to the Isle of Thunder, but they were quickly attacked by not the mogu, but a group of Forsaken, led by one part of a group that had attacked the Leaf before in Kul Tiras. He claimed to have taken care of the mogu already, and having collected the relics for Windrunner instead, but this wasn’t enough. After it became evident words had no effect on the man, the Forsaken engaged the Leaf and were promptly taken out - the disparity between the number of spellcasters between the two groups proved to tilt the scales heavily.

Despite having taken out the group carrying the relics, the order wasn’t able to ensure a clean job: the rest of the Forsaken managed to set sail on their ship by the time the Leaf found them on the coastline. A serpent rider was sent to the Shado-Pan to inform them of what had happened. In turn, the Shado-Pan dispatched their own riders after the ship, but the results and methods (political or not), remain unknown to the group.

Now they still remain in the Niuzao Temple, thinking about their next steps.


We released the first episode of our weekly Fallen Leaf Podcast on Spotify!

Tune in to learn more about the guild, its members, its past and future events!



Click on the spotify link in this Reddit post or visit our site at http://fallenleaf.info/ for more.


A podcast??!! Right, now I know what I’ll have in my ears tonight!

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🍂The Fallen Leaf turns six years old!🍂

Six years of adventures and memories in and around Pandaria!

With the guild’s sixth anniversary here, the guild will be celebrating both IC and OOC. There will be a celebratory feast in the Grummle Bazaar of Kun-Lai, followed by different games and activities!

This time we are placing more focus on our OOC celebrations:

There will be an anniversary podcast which the guild members have an open invitation to, followed by a Fallen Leaf related quiz (with an animated background image from Sindaru, used for our guild website’s character introduction page).

The rest of the celebratory night is dedicated to guild gaming, where members are encouraged to group together to play their favourite games (with voice chat heartily advocated).

On top of all that, we will also be holding an event competition within the guild. Participants will be asked to write, design and host an event or a series of events, after which the guild will anonymously vote for whose was the most impressive, entertaining and memorable. The prize for the contest is a free commission from yours truly!


Happy birthday to the leaf! Hope this year would be full of joy and fun for you! :blush:


Happy birthday Leaf!


I have been in this guild for three (soon four) years and to this day I can only thank this wonderful community for some of the best years I’ve had in RPing. It’s been a wild ride with it’s up and downs, but in the end I have more reasons to be thankful than anything else for everything I have experienced in the Leaf.

Let’s continue embracing escapism. Viva la Pandaria.


Wow — to think it’s already been over three years since Lintian first met the Leaf? Time flies fast.

Lintian’s encounters with the Leaf began when the order used to visit the kaldorei lands often. Darnassus, Nighthaven, Astranaar… It gave Lintian a real sense of camaraderie among the group, and stories of their adventures and faraway lands made her long for more than just a quiet life in the familiar elven forests. Interacting the Leaf helped shape her into the person she is today — and influenced her decision to take refuge in Pandaria when Sylvanas devastated her homeland and she was left with nowhere to go. She didn’t regret it.


In 2015, the Leaf came across some dumbly-dressed lordling during one of their lovely event campaigns. With some perseverance and pestering, I soon found myself a member of this guild. Ever since that spring, I have enjoyed lots and lots of varied roleplay events with the Leaf, ranging from very casual slice-of-life character building to something completely out of this world (or timeline)!

But the best part about the guild has been the out of character friendships made over countless nights in guild chat, other games and during actual meet-ups we have organised outside the game. Even when I’ve had a break from the game or felt that roleplaying wasn’t just going to work, I’ve found good company to chat with over Discord and elsewhere with the guild’s members.

Thank you, the Fallen Leaf, and Shuang!


Just finished the current two episodes of the podcast and I can only recommend it. You did quite succeed in swaying someone, and the various questions shed light on stuff. Yes. Keep it going, please!


Today we’re hosting our second Fallen Leaf Podcast episode at 18:30 server time!

If you’re interested in listening to the raw take then come join us at https://twitch.tv/sindarudangan :smile:


Congratulations on the anniversary, I really ought to start playing Qufu more, but haven’t played that much WoW all together lately, and when I have it has mostly been guild events on my Gnome.

I’ll see if I can make up to that.

Great to see a Pandaren themed guild still going strong.


After a week of chasing and many unexpected deaths - including deaths that never were - the Fallen Leaf has caught a rogue time-thief and his chronomantic artifact.

Time for some blessed rest, hopefully!

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Ever since their previous job Tirei mentioned, the group has been dealing with issues and problems from within the group itself, along with taking part in the tavern hours in the Veiled Stair and the Wanderer’s Festival in Krasarang!

They are currently in the Temple of the Jade Serpent, trying to deal with a goblin infestation north of Sri-La Village. The greedy midgets are trying to dig up oil, even after failing negotiations with the locals, leading to the order having to deal with the issue. Fortunately the working conditions, upper management and pay for the goblin workers is not stellar, so the Leaf has been able to sway some of them with promises of better pay.

Whether it all ends up in a big fight or peaceful talks remains to be seen!


Purple man, purple man. Thou will meet thine end.

Strange rumors regarding an individual, often referred to as the ‘purple man’ spread across southern Pandaria. On one hand they seem like a compassionate individual; on another, a merciless killer. While the wicked powers of the void torment Jade Forest’s children and a serial killer continues his work in the tranquil land, the Fallen Leaf has to wonder… Is it their lost elven comrade they’re dealing with, or a new threat they must protect their beloved land from?

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