Artair Starsaber, signing up for the novice bracket if there’s room for it!
First off, let me get an apology out of the way. In spite of all preparations, we were unprepared for the challenges real life circumstances have issued us! Thankfully, this could be explained away IC on the account that Pandaria has just recently gotten out of being invaded by a transdimensional realm and much great evil.
A second apology also regarding the duration of the tournament. We understand it dragged on to way-past-bedtimes for spectators, and some of the fighters!
Now onto a better light!
My heartfelt thanks goes out to all of the monks who participated in each of the bracket! Unfortunately I’ve had little time myself to observe the Masters’ bracket, but it would seem that you have had Zen singing praises, so I will take that as a sign of exceeded expectations
What little I have seen of the novice bracket was tense. I can attest to the quality of emotes and the spirit of roleplaying sportsmanship brought by Zul’khan, Velrawyn and Vixena!
Though, the main spectacle seems to have been the intermediate bracket this time, and I could tell why! Thanks to the quality of the emotes, attention to detail and characters and roleplayers involved in the entire bracket, I’ve had an exceedingly difficult time to leave and watch the other brackets. This feeling had been made worse when the referees decided to host two bouts at once, which made it extra difficult for me to pick a ring to binge! (I say binge as my eyes are primarily on ensuring the flow of RP maintains a steady pace, so as to not inconvenience those who’ve come to spectate )
And I mean it! Between Hurrgash, Tanshi, Norwind, Hou, Song and Shang it was torture to pick a favorite! We hope to see the same spirit of participation next tournament! (which, on topic, would be in presumably late Fall, but the imminent arrival of Shadowlands complicates the organization of social events due to spoiler reasons. But we’ll try!)
Finally, congratulations are in order! The winners of each bracket are as follows:
- NOVICES - Vixena
- MASTERS - Azrael Bloodshard (second time in a row!)
Finally, special thanks are in order to: Calarell Silentbirth (for the photo op!), Hou for bonus screenshots, and Joshi Jomin! (for the final mistweaving spectacle!)
We would also like to thank Soirane Summerdawn, Beruna Winterhoof and Grandmaster Zen Yuo for giving us a hand as referees! Without you, there would have been no bouts!
Feel encouraged to tell us how you liked the event, and offer feedback and suggestions!
We are looking forward to seeing you again on the next Celestial Fist Tournament!
Dang, I missed it.
Glad to be part of the referee and staff! The event went smoothly, despite some usual hiccups! Also some tight and very epic fights were had, especially the last one of the night!
Awesome event. Homerun hosts. Killer participants.
Thank you guys so much for the dedication and time you take to make this stuff possible. It’s great for pandaren RPers to have things to be able to talk about and look forward to.
Thank you very much for having me and venturing to understand my concept of the Jaguar Warrior. I had lot of fun finally having a first proper monk fight and I can’t wait to see you all in future!
A super awesome day! Looking forward to the next gathering and tourney <3
You disappointed me though.
When is the next one? like to bring Enk moo for the novice bracket ^^
We’ll be planning one for October or November (most likely)!
Any actual planning starts next week!
Yay! okays :3
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