[Pandaria][Event] Cloud Serpent Racing

Date and Time

Date: Sun, 17 February 2019
Time: From 19:00 realm time (participants, please try to show up early!)
Location: The Arboretum, Jade Forest (Pandaria)
Faction: Neutral


Cloud Serpent Racing Rules

For the sake of keeping up, but more importantly to eliminate any class/azerite armor advantages, we’ve decided to go with a roll-based ruleset! We’re thrilled to learn how it will be received on the day of the event.

Turn-based Racing:

There will be a set number of checkpoints. Racers will be informed in advance in order to be given the opportunity to prepare adequately!
(also for narrative purposes!)

Each contestant and their cloud serpent begin in a line and wait for the starting fireworks!

(Simple 100 rolls.

  • Those who roll a 1 stay/fumble/caught a bad wind – or maybe they simply took an embarrassingly wrong turn!
  • Those who roll below 40 advance by 1 checkpoint
  • Those who roll above 40 advance by 2 checkpoints
  • Highest 3 rolls advance by 3 checkpoints
  • Natural 100 rolls advance by 4(!) checkpoints! Maybe they caught a good wind? Maybe they’re just that good!
  • In the event that 2 or more reach the finish line, they will roll to determine who was faster (an equally high roll means neither were faster than the other!)

Remember that mounted races factor in a serpent rider’s and the cloud serpent’s moods, shape, fatigue, focus and bond respectively! By this standard even the best racer may wind up second, third, fourth or even disqualified! (disclaimer: disqualifications occur through player choice only!))

The first three to reach the finish line are declared winners!

Harming other racers or their cloud serpents is strictly forbidden!
Mistreating your racing partner will result in disqualification!

Current Participants

Cloud Serpent Riders

  • Lau Ze (Lauze) & Lau Bu
  • Nar’thak (Nar’thák) & Zhang
  • Shen Lotusfist & Cosmo
  • Solahn
  • Valladia
  • Vorarnie Glowbinder (Lumanay) & Vi-Kai
  • Ying-Yue Jiang (Jìang)

Alliance: Xiuyun, Shuang; Horde: Madamyun, Ancestor


As much as I want to, Narmë is bonded with a (jealous) dragonhawk and not a cloud serpent. Ah well, she can always cheer for the other fliers!

This sounds like a lot of fun! The Keepers will definitely be around to spectate at least. Looking forward to this!

If you happen to have cloud serpent owners among you, be sure to encourage them to partake in the race! They will have cheerleaders guaranteed!

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I have long waited for an event like this, Toso will certainly be there spectate, if not participate.


Haven’t seen a large scale cloud serpent race in ages. People better get rep grinding.

Well, It’s a little far off given my potential for real life to get in the way, but provisionally you can sign up Zyretha. (May need to add a horde host on Battletag to hop from my tiny server though!)


Oh I have a character who could attend but I’ll likely miss it. :frowning: Shame.

I’m not 100% sure on if I can attend, but I’ll certainly let you know closer to the date.

Only one of the two allows one to build a fanbase!

Will try to pick a better date next time! :smiley:

Looking forward to a positive answer!

This sounds like it could be fun. Pol will hopefully be there and may be in the mood to race too. :slight_smile:

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Ello! May I sign one up to race and one to spectate please? Both from Snowfang Syndicate. The racer will be Solahn and the spectator is meh. ^^

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This is great! I’ve been looking for a chance to RP the bond between Nar’thak and his master’s Cloud Serpent, so please sign me up!

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Shen Lotusfist of the Order of the Cloud serpent Reporting in! So so Excited to meet fellow Serpent Riders, Me and My Serpent, Cosmo look forward to meeting you all!


I applaud and celebrate Vorarnie Glowbinder for being the second cloud serpent rider to sign their cloud serpent - Vi-Kai - up by name :pray:


I applaud and celebrate Vorarnie Glowbinder for being the second cloud serpent rider to sign their cloud serpent - Vi-Kai - up by name :pray:

I’m assuming this is a very subtle hint for the riders to post their serpent’s names? =P

Apologies that I forgot to say before! Nar’thak will be riding Zhang in the race.

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If I’m not too late, I’d like to sign up Lau Ze and her serpent Lau Bu!

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Because we’ve an easily countable number of racers by now, we’ll take any additional sign-ups up until 00:01am realm time after this post!

That means Lau Ze and Lau Bu are both on the list!


After an amazing race that was no less than 42 checkpoints long, we’ve concluded within an hour! You will find the results below!

First place was granted to Vorarnie Glowbinder and Vi-Kai who managed to effortlessly weather the literal storm and make it to the finish line as a clear first!
As a prize they received a saddle hand-crafted and sponsored by the Shado-Pan Order! Congratulations!


:one: Vorarnie Glowbinder & :dragon: Vi-Kai :1st_place_medal:
:two: Lau Ze & :dragon: Lau Bu :2nd_place_medal:
:three: Zyretha Snowdawn & :dragon: Wuishi :3rd_place_medal:
:four: Zouyo Rainclaw & :dragon: Ruby
:five: Shen Lotusfist & :dragon: Cosmo
:six: Liao of Krasarang & :dragon: Fen
:seven: Pol Jon-Zu & :dragon: Sheng
:eight: Nar’thak & :dragon: Zhang

Once again, I’d like to apologize for any initial stumbles we had, and want to thank our MVP Ook-Took for initiating the race, Shuang for helping me keep things organized and Shentao for commentary! Sadly we could never find a dedicated screenshot-snapper! Maybe next race!

As always, I am grateful that the audience showed up and supported this event with their strong presence, cheers and upport for all the racers involved :pray:

Special thanks to all the racers and their cloud serpents! We could not have had a cloud serpent race without a stunning 8 cloud serpents duking it out for rank 1!

I hope to see you all for the next race, and as always leave all your feedback, especially the positive feedback, right here so we know what to keep and what to tweak for the next event! :pray: