I’ll keep this a very honest post.
Let me start with our description:
We’re a horde guild formed back in the glory hardcore days of Wotlk . Most of us play this game since TBC.
We’re old school players . We’ve seen stuff, been through stuff, stood in stuff.
We are all adults , 30+y olds armed with bad Barrens chat jokes , lots of sarcasm and no tolerance for pc warriors.
We like our guild to be a place where we chill with our animated pixel buddies , playing a game we all enjoy.
We’re a dying breed. We are the ones that take their class seriously but we’re not raider io junkies .
We quit and came back few times. We are clearing hc and setting up the team for mythic, doing a lot of m+ keys . We are looking for people that will stick with us on a long run. That means after Curve, after hype is done.
We got booze.
We dont want to bring any elitist fotm toxicity into this guild.
We dont like to bench people , so we’re looking for cough commitment and reliable people.
We raid 2 nights/ week (Wed/Thr) from 8.30 PM realm time and we are looking for more active players to complete our group and get some mythic kills while waiting for next tier.
We will never ask you to play a class that you dont enjoy , but we do ask for everyone to respect each other’s time investment and be online for raids. Don’t sh*t on our game time , fanks.
Oh, and dont stand in fire. And whatever you do, NEVER blame healers!
Hopefully there are people out here with the same mindset and some gaming skills.
Just in case you are insane enough to contact me : Tammz#2233 or battlenet - jxmjxm#2581 / discord jxmjxm94 ← ther.
Thank you!
Classes we have special kink interest for : warlock, druid dps, mage. And m+ tanks, we ate the ones we had.