Partisan spirit

this is how Blizz reacts to my, silence of years and finally said out loud opinion, it means soon they will shut me down for good :slight_smile:

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for my such Topic:
WoW Token, Level Boost, Bots, Multiboxing, idiotic talent system, incomparable with what actually was and should be, throwing most of the in-game professions into the trash box (JC, Insc, mining, herbalism and others) since they are for no use at all (don’t misunderstand me, but all gear are socketless unless it’s RNG with a prismatic socket, Glyphs from Inscription are just a cosmetic, and gathering professions does not give playing anything, just an ability to gather matts).
Blizz gave Classic and then f… it right away. Honestly, why to adapt the game for players? Have in mind that the peak of ppl subs were when players had to adapt to the game and when the invested time into the game was meaningful, not just 3 buttons and you’re on the newest content killing the end-game final boss :slight_smile:
Blizz released payers, I’m sorry :slight_smile: ,players" from the stupid RNG nightmare and made something incredible in Draenor expack, where you could literally farm bosses each week and expect a different item to drop from a specific boss, cuz it was excluding all dropped before items for a player. BUT :slight_smile: then came Legion and not just this idea was gone, but players had to pay in suffering for that by being forced to farm AP (artifact power) for the rest of all Legion expack, cuz to reach the last rank of it were taking almost a year :slight_smile: and WHY? Well, for nothing, cuz next years will come out a New Expack and a player had no chance to try to play with his Alt Character. And so there began the Era of Farming for nothing :slight_smile: remember BFA?
Ok, ok :slight_smile: some will say that’s why Blizz implemented the Level Boost token… Hmm… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Blizz probably didn’t know that there are bunch of private server with that option so WoW should become just one of them? :smiley: gimme a break
And so the WoW Token. You can donate BLizz 20$ and get arround 250k+ gold in WoW, where the other player will save like 12-15$ (depending on his sub type) and will lose that amount of gold. Now lets get straight and have in mind that this is a game, so that gold amount of 250k+ are not hard to farm just by using your in-game professions in a month. That’s not actually true. cuz all a player will make the in-game AH (auction house) will set the prices and that is by other players, pure economics. Now, how many hours that player will have to spend for that? :slight_smile: Well, the answer is simple: so much that he barely will find the time to play normally like he would like to.
The main idea to play payable game for in-game currency wasn’t bad, but if you have to spend so much time. then why it can’t work backwards? Buy WoW tokens with gold, convert it to Blizz currency and cash it out! :slight_smile: now here’s a Win-Win, no? :smiley:

Blizz? now it’s like you Got The Talent or not :slight_smile:
Deleted WoW Token?
Deleted Level Boost?
Brought the GOOD systems back?

You need at least 2 Yes’es to go to the next stage :wink: if you want your subs back

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