Patch 11.1 Aura or Reckoning removed?!

Just WHY blizz?

We have the worse pvp talents, and now you want to remove the aura of reckoning and replace it with a useless pvp talent just to fill up the gap?

this is what gives us the edge in arena to score the kill,

You are destroying retri therefore you are destroying your game,

We have the worst selection when it comes to PvP talents.

Overal we dont have instant gap closer, we are the most kitable spec, we don’t have slow, we dont have hard CC, our healing is crap in pvp its nerfed, our dmg is nerfed in pvp as well and you want to kill the class/spec by removing a not perfect but decent and logic pvp talent and put in its place a totally useless one that doesnt make ANY sense at all!!!

At least bring back judgements of the pure…

Stop nerfing paladins at last you are sending people away!
It’s not even S tier to begging with, it is B tier at best!

if you want to look for “balancing”, look for shamans and ferals rogues hunter dmg…

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