Patch 11.1 RiP Ret :(

Hi fellow Paladins, patch 11.1 is coming and with the removal of Aura of Reckoning and Luminescence both replaced by two useless PVP talents and the nerf of our self-healing to -50% i suspect that ret will be in a very bad spot to compete with in PvP (solo shuff,RBG,SoloBG).

It was fun, time for me to take a break.


Patch 11.1 Rip Warrior :( ?

yes they both get nerfed hard while they where not OP or even meta to begin with, is there a problem making 1 post for each class?

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Oh fat chance bro, both ret and fury have some of the best melee representation in both 3v3 and BGs, stop lying and crying :joy:

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because of a lot of people are playing them it doesnt mean they are broken.

You might want to look for BM hunters mages locks and rogues for that…

3v3 alone and BG doesnt mean much what about 2v2?

In BG they struggle to get close to ranged to land attacks btw…

I am not lying you are offensive and doesnt respect other humans opinion.

This is my feedback take it or leave it its your game, i will stop playing because of that, i am sure others will do even more once patch comes online and they realize how bad they are, but not all of them will waste the time to come over to forums to complain.

You SHOULD appreciate my feedback its my opinion for me and my friends that play mage locks rogues bm hunters they agree with me.

PS. try to reach a decent frost mage with warrior or even a ret pal, you will be amazed with the results…


I never said they were broken. But they are very much meta, both ret and fury are doing fine.

The game is basically balanced around a 3v3 environment, 2v2 which is sometimes also double dps, is not a metric of balance. At all lol

See above. Also you have like 4 buttons that help you move, use them lol

Your feedback comes from a place of ignorance, your other posts tell the same story as well. I even saw you tried to go to Reddit and copy-pasted your thread exactly as it is, because you didn’t get the response you wanted in here.

I know it’s tough to hear the truth sometimes.

Frost mage is not the bar for all ranged, I get your frustration for them specifically, but a warrior will never, EVER win a 1v1 against a frost mage, never.

A warrior chunks 30% of my health in a single hit if they get to me, which they 100% will, and I have no mobility. You don’t see me crying to nerf warriors, because I reckon this game is balanced around specs countering each other. Some melee I just eat dust against, some I can deal with if I play real smart.

Warrior is not in a bad place at the moment, anyway. Arms has seen better days but Fury is doing very good, Ret is also doing quite fine in the role its filling at the moment, being a semi-ranged damage dealer with sick burst and tons of support.

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warrior and ret are both nerfed in the next patch while other classes got buffed, this is unfair to my eyes and for this reason i quit the game.

Take it with a grain of salt but more feel like me and will do the same.

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If you think those tiny tweaks are gonna kill off ret or any of the two warr specs you’re absolutely trolling.

They’re even buffing other parts of their kit, but I guess you didn’t care to actually read that.

I’m probably just gonna ignore you now, but know that you are incredibly wrong in your judgement, and that it’s definitely a you problem that you’re struggling as much as you say you are.

Dude, the highest rated player in 2v2 on US is playing Fury warrior. They are good.
What are you even talking about.
Warrior’s have the best Healing reduction effect ingame and really great substain dmg and good burst.
You can’t have it all.

Also do you want 5 more mobility skills so you can reach mages? Do you know that would make mages pretty frustrated and a bad class.
Some classes should be able to be kited abit dude. You can’t have 100% uptime.

Ret is a semi ranged class with support.

ofc the gatekeepers will say otherwise to prove me wrong its what gatekeepers do…

All i know is a USA gladiator tried PTR and ret was bad my guess war will be bad as well.

and yes i have read all patch notes, if you are talking about that 35% more healing on flash of light that’s not readjustment, it’s irony, they are cutting down 50% of our passive healing to give us 35% on flash, that’s ridiculous, i prefer to remove flash of light entirely and leave our passive healing alone!

So blizzard has decided to nerf my 2 favourite classes? Good its their game its their right to do so but its MY right to quit the game and never come back.

I have lost faith in this company.

As soon as microsoft took over they fired the Q&A team…

Dragon flight was a better expansion, pvp was more balanced and pve was enjoyable and actually achievable. TWW brought us what? Delves? that no1 really cares or does them? They finished off PvP and PvE also has suffered greatly.

Its clearly the company is taking the wrong turn and i am only trying to help here.

Anyway i tried enough this isnt my neck to try even more.

Take or it leave it this is my feedback.

Mark my words and remember them.

Ret will be dead, so will be warriors in s2, this is my prediction and i rarely fall off.

I don’t really care about any other classes, since i am not a meta hopper.

Ret is clearly NOT a ranged class, it might have some ranged dmg but fact is that if you stay in ranged your DPS is halved.

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Fairly sure none has asked for 100%, would like it to be a bit over 20% however.

The range is a mute point and il tell you why.

  • Less TS/CS/AACS attacks leads to less Holy power generated
  • Melee procs reset on attacks that generate Holy power so even less of it
  • Less Holy power → less TVs used → less HoW procs AND Divine purpose procs → less Holy power
  • Less TV used also means less Lights Deliverance stacking for our main nuke to be used outside WoA

Kiting a ret still starves them from a lot of dmg and the range isent all that large.
And about the support, most of it is from vanilla era. Its a stagnant toolkit that get an update once or twice every decade at best with spells like Spellwarding.

I dont even agree that Ret should be a semi ranged class, but if we are to remain that way… why is our CC melee ranged?

Why do we have the least CC possible of all classes?
The least and weakest slows, they arent even spammable.
No roots.

Of all the new classes that got added to the game only 1 was a “slow” class but it had roots, slows, CCs, immunities, healing reduction and a gapcloser.

The other classes had most of the above + HYPER mobility turned to 11. TWO of them even have wings! FUNKTIONAL WINGS!!


You forgot to like your post with 37 alts to pretend what you posted wasn’t rubbish.

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Buffing FoL is nice but not something I care about now I might be able to heal my self after a fight before I go oom.
However who would use FoL in PvP? No one it’s not worth to reset the swing timer and/or be locked out of casting spells.
It’s a 1.4 cast which is like baiting to be interrupted.

It’s not like I can off heal for long now, it’s barely useable to somewhat useable sometimes if it crits. After the nerves it’s only really useful if I don’t have another choice, I can’t use it defensively now and won’t be able to do so with 11.1 either.


Ret is meta? hahaha no it is not heres some tissue for that BS

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If this is true im with you i have played the worst iteration of ret in PVP this season if i have to do it again in season 2 im out two fingers to this game Dragon flight season 1 before the re work was better then this.

If this is true that they are removing our only good two PVP talents then that shows just how incompetent the class design team is why do they pay you ? go get a job stacking shelves where you belong.

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I understand you, came back to wow and really enjoyed retribution spec (paladins kind of sucked with this spec historically for long, long time). Now it is nerfed again. And AGAIN most class changes are made by devs who think having PVP in mind, hurting PVE experience for many players.

Hammer of light is also doing 50% less damage then on retail …

With all of our viable PvP talents removed, our passive healing nerfed by 50%, Hammer of light nerfed by 50% and the removal of Aura of Reckoning, take into account the dominance that casters and hunters have atm in pvp? i can surely say that Ret is officially now dead.

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Lets hope HOL its just a bug or some weird pvp/pve ptr dummy thing …

They need to Revert these changes if they dont im gone the ret pvp class design team is a joke.

Ret will be in an even more of a bad spot in Season 2

Why are they doing this to Ret i ask myself why dont they remove rogue stealth and stuns ? mage poly and spells huh this is what they are doing to RET

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