Patch 7.2.5 vs 8.2.5

Well … Legion is one of my favorite x-pac and BfA the worst of them all.

I hope the team in-charge with the next x-pac, are the ones who made Legion. You can tell by the big differences in patches, how big Legion was, in comparation with BfA.


What is this stupid comparison? Patch note length = Gameplay?

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Well , yes! I mean, if there are huge updates , means the content is big enough for them to change/add stuff = More gameplay.

Or are you saying that lesser patch notes is no indication of …no real content?!

The 8.2.5 patch has more content and less class changes, that’s about it.

What’s your issue already ?

Edit : Just in case it’s not clear enough :
8.2.5 has a remade BG, 3 small raids, a fundamental leveling overall system, two questlines with 9m of cinematics, a new faction/questline for alliance and two races reworked models.

Meanwhile 7.2.5 had… chromie and events ? Trial of style and micro holidays ?

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3 Small raids? You mean the time-walking raids? Is that it ?

Remade BG , wow ok!

And 2 questlines with … cinematics. and some quests. So there goes your whole 8.2.5.

Meanwhile, 7.2.5 saw a massive updates for classes and such, which influenced your game-play by a lot.

Well, I guess some…quests, cinematics and … and … two races reworked models = means updates for you hm?

Nice! :slight_smile:

The anniversary ones. 3x 3 bosses raid.

Which also means that classes were somewhat broken before the patch, should i take this as a fake positive ?

So absence of content > content ? Ever considered classic mate ?

I’m playing …mate! However, seems single player games are for you, since nothing is added to 8.2.5 beside cinematics, 2 quests and…that’s it …

Dunno, seems like you have issues reading or are just trying to blind yourself at this point.

There were few X.5 patches with more content that 8.2.5 in the last few years, disliking BFA won’t change this fact.

Well if party-sync , and new RaF is nothing for you, then I guess u better leave this game and look for new ones.

You are the specific people who cry about anything, blizz do “A” you cry, blizz do “B” you cry, blizz do nothing you cry…

I mean there is clutching at straw’s and there is this iam just lost for words .

Well boys, seems 30 mins of “content” is all you need to keep loving BfA!

Carry on, nothing to see here.

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Since when have .5 patches been major content ? Whats with the boys ? comments you trying to be an Asmongold ?

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Asmogold didn’t invent “boys” word. C’mon!

And I think you missed the whole point of my thread. 7.2.5 vs 8.2.5 which I still stand to my point, that 7.2.5 was by far, a bigger and better patch then 8.2.5 .

Did you even read the patch notes and understand them or did you just see that 7.3.5 had a bigger list and thought yep lets go bash 8.3.5 because bigger list means better right ?

Aren’t we …talk about 7.2.5 vs 8.2.5 ?!? And yes, I did read them. Hence, reason why I made this thread …

Can’t have because class changes doesn’t mean content , its just another bash retail thread simple as that .
Bigger isn’t always better .

…in this case, it is! We are talking about one of the best x-pacs ( Legion ) vs THE worst ever x-pac ( BfA ).

I didn’t see you talk about TBC :wink:

To be fair I wouldn’t really call 3 lfr encounters as mini raids or much in terms of content.
I would rather take the Chromie scenario in that case.

Funny, Blizzard is adding a whole aniversary event with multiple parts, new TW raid, 2 reworked races, a grind for a unique mount and a whole lot more in a minor patch and still people QQ about it not having enough content.

Guess people truly are never going to be happy about anything. Sad, really, really sad.