Patch 8.3 - 15 January

It’s really bad. But at least there was an end in sight. Now we are denied even that. The satisfaction of being done. Complete.

I truly hope that Shadowlands won’t have any endless progression.

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I hoped for allied races before the holidays. Aw well.

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There will be a pre-release 9.0 patch with undead incursions. There MIGHT be a really quick gearing and/or leveling way in that, but we just don’t know yet.

Ion said we’ll have a levelling up process with those invasions, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

More so because that patch most likely will also contain the level squish.

it’s astonishing how not feeling like you have to do one thing just to stay current, and can do exactly what you like is such a relief for a few weeks.

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Everyone i know speculated 7th :smiley:

So happy and excited to know when the Vulpera are out.
Let the countdown begin!


Sorry but :

Cant wait to play my Goblin in disguise…!! :star_struck:

you’re doing that right now though.

I used to have time to level one of everything on both sides. With AP farm it’s harder to do that. Korrak AV has been fabulous catch up this expansion though. I’m back on track.

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About time xD, give me the juicy Ny’alotha transmog to wrap BFA up.

Only if you pre order SL can you use AR for DK.

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To me 8.2.5 was not a patch. So after 8.2 we jumped to 8.3 the real patch.
8.2.5 few more quests to the war campaign and some upgrades to the neck. Thats all.
For me 8.2.5 feels like the end of an expansion. Hope 8.3 is not boring.

i don’t like 8.3 too i think i will set my goal to unlock kul race and mecha race on allys side then choosing wich race for dk…
and maybe lvl up a druid hm for the heritage armor.

These dates sure become predictable. :stuck_out_tongue:
Can’t say I’m ‘hyped’ any more. Took too long, I already want to go to the other realm.

Also, they’ll be taking away my cork’s revenge. :confused:

I have to say that all good the patch may have has been overshadowed by more AP grind and more essences so bad that I am in-game only and solely because people paid my game time.

That’s my opinion about “7 more essences and 15 more neck levels and infinite cloak levels” - more so you do not get to use ‘ap’ as a transmog or something cool, which means its empty useless content for me that is just temporary for a few months - I may hate my life as much as I do, I do not hate it THIS much.

And the whole corrupted system does feel like worse ‘fix’ for ‘thing that was not really a problem that couldn’t wait for a fix until 9.0’


I think corruption is an experiment as to whether or not they introduce a similar system in Shadowlands.

screams and jumps off the cliff… luckily for Az there is water down below… so she splats into water, waving hands and wiggling