Patch 8.3. Quest peace treaty

I said F R E E D. You weren’t fighting a literal mountain of flesh in Ulduar, very clearly this isn’t even comparable.

Kek N’Zoth is beat without the factions doing anything anyway

We’ll see. I still mainain that there will be some kind of shocker in the cinematic we have yet to experience…


Azshara pops up after his defeat and claims his throne in Ny’alotha to contain the minions of the Old Gods.

ThErE MuSt AlWaYs Be An OlD gOd.


Ugh, i hate that stupid orc and his stilted dialogue.


Honestly, if they do indeed end up removing said dialogue, and tweaking the rest in order to keep Gallywix as leader, the goblin race will have dodged the sort of bullet Tauren met headfirst with the likes of Baines character.

That said, won’t hold my breath.


He didn’t even do a good job. As Dadgar would say, “wasn’t that city sacked recently?”

Funny how that argument is still valid 6 years later. Horde = :clown_face:

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Well the most interesting alliance city is still smoldering on the horizon.


Boralus looks fine to me. True it was smoldering during to the siege, but eh. That was a year ago. It has recovered.


Gazlowe can’t even do construction right. Even less leading a Cartel. What a circus.

Gallywix lost to a shipwrecked crew of lvl 10 Goblins. He’s unfit to be mob-boss of the cartel and needs to be impeached and removed from office immediately.

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This is WoW. If you want to meme him do it with Denny Devito, not Trump.

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Oh dont even get me started on Green Theramore…

Have you been to Boralus? Because if you have and you still think it’s just Green Theramore then you need glasses. Like, they are objectively not comparable, both lorewise and gameplay-wise. If anything Theramore is the sad Boralus wannabe, as all colonies are.


And there is Gazlowe.

And the Alliance version:

I love it that no one but Anduin and Tyrande even voices so much as a sound of agreement or dissent, leaving us with no idea of their stances whatsoever. Or are those who leave with her supposed to support Tyrande? That’d be Alleria and Turalyon, as well as the Three Hammers.


Actually just Genn and Tyrande. If you talk to them afterwards they seem to be onboard with ANduins course of action.

Nah, Genn saiy she has a point, not that he is with her over Anduin. Great difference. What do the others say? Are they saying anything?

Kinda fun to see how everyone except Jaina just walks out on Anduin in that scene.
But let’s not fool ourselves, nothing will probably come of it.

Nah, Gelbin (with his second the Mecha Prince) and Velen are staying, too. Oh, and the Pandaren. A real celebrity, that one, totally important. And the Lightforged Captain lady.

By the way, this is indeed the last chapter of BfA, no 8.3.5 with story content planned.

First of all, just to get it out of the way, we currently don’t have any 8.3.5 plans — there may be some small systems tweaks or updates for stability between now and Shadowlands, but Visions of N’Zoth is really the concluding chapter of Battle for Azeroth , and we’re excited to focus our attention on Shadowlands and the upcoming beta for Shadowlands that’ll be opening up over the course of the year.

That dialoge was leaked months ago on wowhead. Only Tyrande is still out for keeping the war fueled.