Patch 8.3. Quest peace treaty

Copied from the US topic.

This is where a lot of the datamined 8.3 dialog will be found, including:

  • Baine talking to Rokhan about leading the Darkspear.
  • Thrall, Baine, and Lor’themar discussing a council over a Warchief.
  • Lor’themar and Thalyssra’s flirting
  • Tyrande’s resentment towards the treaty, and Shandris’s subsequent upset.

Some things worth noting:

  • Lilian is present at the gathering of Horde leaders, probably as the current representative of the Forsaken.
  • Gallywix is still present with the Horde leaders, and there doesn’t seem to be any sign of the dialog where Gazlowe is made Trade Prince.
  • Valeera is present amongst the Alliance leaders.

Shandris is not upset. She sides with Anduin against the crazy priest smurf.

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Why do you think that she is crazy?
The Horde have wiped out her entire race. Just a couple of people left in this world, and race is almost dead. Horde also have destroyed her lands, cutting the trees, burning the cities, and spreading the plague so that no one could live in those lands ever.
And the Cherry on the cake is the fact that in ~10 years it’s a third invasion of the Horde.

And now people call her crazy just because a couple of mounts after a genocide of her people she do not want to sign a peace treaty with the murders who did it?

She would be called crazy if she will sign that treaty…

So what is new? Pictures? We already had those dialog’s before, but maybe something was changed?


Now that’s really strange… Placeholder for a new Gazlowe model?

Isn’t Gazlowe becomes a trade prince later, in racial gear chain?

Nope, you’re already hunting down Gallywix in his new base there, as I remember it. Gallywix should have been gone since his flight during the Reckoning in Orgrimmar. He wasn’t at Saurfang’s funeral, I think.

Ah, here was the

PTR dialogue

Thrall: Gallywix has fled the city along with the rest of Sylvanas’ inner circle. That leaves the Bilgewater Cartel without its trade prince.
Thrall: Gazlowe, it was your cleverness and ingenuity that built the walls of Orgrimmar. I cannot think of anyone I would trust more to take over as leader.
Gazlowe: A cartel ain’t a clan or a tribe, Thrall. Steamwheedle, Bilgewater… it don’t matter who supplies the cash–so long as the pay’s good.
Gazlowe: “Under new management” is just another way of sayin’ ““opportunity’s knockin’””. So, sure… you got yourself a deal!"
Thrall: Can you be sure that none of the goblins here are still being funded by Gallywix?
Gazlowe: Oh, I guarantee they are. That’s why I’m gonna pay 'em more than that cheapskate!

Does indeed sound like Gallywix is gone as a leader since 8.2.5. If it hasn’t changed.

Anduin, Azeroth’s top cuckold.

Is there something like a top bottom? :thinking:

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Why do you answer to such statements all the time, you know that Arthur is not to be taken seriously in such moments. Just ignore him and don’t ask him all the time, you will only get a trolling answer.


She’ll be officially crazy once her name appears in the encounter journal, for now she’s only unofficially crazy yeah.

Anduin, Azeroth’s top cuckold.

Yeah, not being a toxic rabid male means you are a “cuckold”.

Tyrande is not crazy, writters just mistaken her with jaina (same scenario like MoP bomb theramore), BfA is just MoP remake.

Nah, I actually liked MoP. Which probably goes some way to show the importance of fun gameplay in enjoying the medium as a whole… Also, I think Garrosh’s hypermasculine villainy just worked better with Blizzard’s level of writing than Sylvanas’ superior intellect that is constantly outsmarting everyone, especially when it looks like she is losing…

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Ok, bfa is very bad remake :smile:

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If there is one thing men fear, it’s women having any kind of political power. And hate them for things they like about males.

Yeah, totally that, and not Blizzard not really having the writing chops to pull off a convincing schemer-style leader. And I’m sure there is never any projection involved, when people throw in the “widely-held” prejudices against women in general, when women in general weren’t the topic at all. :wink:

Vol’jin was an excellent schemer during Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. In Cataclysm he managed to put together a strikeforce consisting of multiple groups and factions to deal with both Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman at the same time, all in such a way that he didn’t have to ask Garrosh for help. In MoP he managed to put together the whole Darkspear rebellion. Of course after that he mostly sat on his backside during Warlords of Draenor before being unceremoniously killed off at the Legion intro.

We need another faction war to finally reclaim Ashenvale then it seems like.

Nah, letting your enemies off scot-free, no matter what they’ve done, while selling out your Allies in the process makes you a cuckold.


More like it makes you smart because you realize you’re not in the position to win a prolonged fight, especially with a freed Old God ready for war.

Thankfully the Alliance is not ran by the “not cuckold” naked pandas.

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Tell than to Varian Wrynn!