Patch 8.3 sums up the bias of Blizzard

Is this thing at least attackable?
The new patch seems really bugged… There were 2 steaks in Stormwind keep but I wasn’t able to process them into burgers :woman_shrugging:

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If you think that my statement was in any way or capacity serious…I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe just get the stick out of your butt.

It’s a well known joke in the internet that the opinion of people with anime and furry profile-pictures do not matter.

You might be gone Araphant…but we finally know the truth about Gilneas! You were a liar all along!


Correction, anime profile picture

Im a furry online and i seem to get some hate on very specific/certain sites but most people dont give a damn, compared to anime profile pics

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Wasn’t the Reliquiary and his leader wiped out on the Vol’dun Alliance war campaign? I think Shandris arrowed the dude pretty hard

Not really. He and his daughter are fine. It was just a high ranking member. The High Examiner is doing fine. This is the npc that was killed.

Araphant says you weren’t a belflet the last time he saw you … whatever that means! And also:


Damn alliance bias. Why I can’t play Mechatrash on Horde side?

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I bumped into Araphant, on one of their alts the other day, always nice to have the ‘its a small world’ feeling when it comes to forums/in game.

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I don’t know if it’s ‘bias’, I think it’s more of a Horde dilema, meaning they don’t know what to do with the Horde, how to deal with it properly.

When I am on Horde characters I feel like an alliance pawn. I don’t play beta (or early access or whatever) and I don’t skip ahead and try to snip cutscenes on Youtube or so… I just try to play through the game ‘normally’, and it basically feels like the horde is gone at this stage.

Valeera seems to be hanging out in Stormwind full time now, all my orders seem to come from SW keep. It doesn’t feel good for the Horde.

Bliz stated that BFA would focus on ‘developing the identity of the Horde’… Well as it feels now, the Horde has no identity. We are alliance units. I’m waiting for the Alliance to appoint Baine as a stooge leader. That just doesn’t feel cool imo.

I don’t care much for ppl on the forums that like flag waving and are only interested from looking at things from one perspective. I play both factions ofc and they feel totally different. On the Horde side I feel dismantled. Baine is a no one, and no one actually took Sylvanas out and replaced her. Thrall is a non-entity… at this stage I’d rather have the old Sylvanas or that Blackjaw dude than nothing. So sick of the Alliance turning up randomly to save us like deadbeat dads.

So when I log on and have to start this patch by talking to Valeera, and get a briefing from Stormwind Keep, there’s nothing really here for me. Magni feels alliance.

I see the remark above that we got ‘a lot of story’ cutscenes and cinematics and Saurfang stuff, but where did it all go? … just towards a giant pat on the Anduin’s back. Baine’s character wasn’t developed. he coward’ed out of supporting Saurfang at the Undercity, then blundered around and almost got executed before the Alliance rescued him.

I understand the OP’s sentiment and struggle to see why people are so against that point of view. It’s World of Blandcraft atm. There’s nothing wrong if you are blinkered Alliance, but if you are even mildly Horde, it’s pretty lame.


Wow, I log on my Alliance fella and Baine is in Stormwinds’ throne room.

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Must say that it was a nice read.

Good post. Pretty on point.


I like you.

Oh you mean like a certain king of Ironforge that is now all neutral and is chating with the very same folk that had just started yet another war with his people and his allies. You mean that Ironforge ?

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De-jure Magni should still be ruler of Ironforge, yeah, I wonder if Blizzard will address it.

Not that the Alliance has a shortage of leaders or anything, but I hate how another one of our own was turned neutral.

Well, “I was a king, but no longer.” from the Fault Lines comic sounds like a resignation to me. So, I do think this one was actually adressed. Surprising, I know.

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It is just like with Dalaran. Working with the horde because of dire circumstances doesen’t make you neutral. At all. Try again or find me a source.

Surprising that he would resign. If he’d use his stupid diamond brain, he’d realize he can be Speaker and at the same time lead one of the strongest members of the Alliance.

It is just like with Dalaran. Working with the horde because of dire circumstances doesen’t make you neutral. At all. Try again or find me a source.

If it wasn’t neutral then it got the Vindicaar treatment, either way it wasn’t Alliance bias and you should try again (actually don’t I am being sarcastic).

Nobody cares, he was in your team since start.

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Because all you do brings chaos and civil wars. Almost none of your races trust eachother, one of your races are in only for the money. 2 of them are there because they dislike how Night Elves treated them.
What you expect ? You are just henchmen in the time of need, nothing more. You cannot do anything on your own.

If your races are trusting each other, where were the draenei during the burning of teldrassil? According to your logic, its not a bad writing which removed them from the story, but THE INNER TURMOIL.