Patch broke the game

i get level 1 items now during questing in dragonflight…This needs an urgent fix, because it’s not playable as it is…

Ah, they really want to make the game a challenge, huh? :smiley:

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Can you link a screenshot so we can all laugh at them? :smiley:

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How is it that people have these bugs and I don’t. Are we all playing the same game on the same client or am I left out of some secret file that I never downloaded.

Because no self respecting bug is going to be seen crawling over your salt crusted manboobs.

That made me chuckle :rofl:

Back on topic, there’s a blue post about it here.

Yo that’s Tyrskorn. Why’d he leave us. :cry:

He’s even got an (imo quite beautiful) avatar now.

Come back to us! :frowning:

EDIT: Yeah just took a look at the most popular posts. It’s a riot. xD