Path of Ascension is unfairly challenging

I am aware. Alas, I haven’t noticed any difference in power so far. I am currently around renown 40-50 something. And my soulbinds feel no stronger than they were when I started the path.

You could be right in that it might be a bug. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was since the whole Path of Ascension wasn’t beta, Dare I even say alpha tested before it was put out, considering something like Splinterbark not having a marker for one of his attacks, the root shard that stuns specifically.


I feel the same.

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No. It’s almost exactly the opposite of the Brawler’s Guild.

Think of it as the Vehicle Quest From Hell.


Meanwhile Night Fae, Queen’s Conservatory, we only need to plant seed and pick up the ressources, mounts, pets and mogs every 3 days :sunglasses:

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What really bugs me is it seems designed to introduce itself by making you fail your first combat. Supposedly the gear upgrades you can get will let you survive.

I didn’t get past the introduction either.

You’d think it’s generally bad form to guarantee the player will lose their first encounter. Usually you give them a couple of easy victories to let them feel like they’ve got the basic controls down.

Yup. I remain disappointed at the lack of iteration on island AI. It was a good idea, it just needed to jump a bit less!

Rack it up there with the mission table then… A system you’d think would be ultra-amenable to developer testing by running at 1 hour = 1 second, just click click click through a few thousand missions.

But no. We got a system that legitimately can’t be played by humans and requires an addon to calculate the absurd number of possible outcomes that come from each engagement. We got a system where some covenants (Kyrian) received a 100% buff. You don’t issue 100% buffs if you tested at all. 100% buffs are reserved for “oh, this never worked did it?” moments.


All my alts go Night Fae. I don’t care how good/bad the power is for them, the Conservatory is too good to miss out on. With 3 of them it covers food, potions and flasks for dungeons and raids, allows me to supply shadestones to the guild bank, and I could probably supply a whole bunch of feasts on raid night.

…I should probably start selling the excess. This is probably prime time with a new raid out ¬_¬


Now at renown 60, not much else to do to max out my Kyrian experience, but when I tried the path again today (thinking it must have become easier by now) it was just so painful and frustrating. I don’t think I am going to bother again unless it is significantly nerfed.

Are the other minigames better? Playing tanks I only have one covenant option :pleading_face:

I unfortunately had to cheese the fights to complete them for the Achievement I was aiming for. Sucks that I had to do so.

Personally I wouldn’t know cause I haven’t progressed far enough into Night Fae or Venthyr.

Freaking hell that char of yours is sooo cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Yours is beautiful as well as cute :blush:

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May or may not help

Helpful green comments on both of the following pages in the comment section:

Posting the tips for those who need it is very welcome. Kudos to you sir and/or madame. I personally don’t need it since I already unlocked Master of the path(And got those sweet Black wings :drooling_face:)

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I would enjoy path if we were to use our own characters, but on my Horde BM alt, I have not touched it since the first few weeks and left it where it was. This is a really bad scenario, I get what it was supposed to be, just executed wrongly.

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Actually, you can. What you want to do is start Path of Ascension.

step 0: Choose a soulbind(don’t matter), pick a memory to fight and then:

step 1: Enter the arena.
step 2: Suicide off the ledge.
step 3: before you open the “loser/Defeat” chest. Place down the “Darkmoon seesaw” toy.

Step 4: Open the chest, talk to the guy and “try again”. Repeat step 0 and 1.

Step 5: walk up to the seesaw and use it. you’ll dismount from your soulbind and you can then hop off the seesaw and fight the boss using your own toon. That’s how I cheesed the “master of the path”.

Ya boi saw it on youtube :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks will try this.

When the best tip for completing something is an exploit…

I find all of these things garbage. Path is probably the worst, the queens conservaory is also junk.

Who logs in and thinks “yay, I get to do the queens conservatory!”

I don’t understand all of these bolt on’s. They aren’t fun or engaging.

Yeah like i said myself on another topic i created (why not, its so bad it should deserve more topics).
Sadly the game is on life support so i doubt they will do anything to it, to me it looks like they just did it to be there and thats it.
Il try it at the end of the expansion if im still playng i guess.

I agree. Personally using the exploit the first time was kinda fun but the concept quickly died on me. I want to do Path of Ascension the way it’s supposed to be done(Which cannot be done due to how overtuned and broken the feature is as a whole).

Good thing is that I doubt blizzard will fix the exploit. Mainly due to the current situation(And that basically no one is working on WoW atm) and how the feature is in general. It’s a bonus thing that doesn’t affect end-game so they don’t need to care.

I’ve not even constructed it lol, but I want to try now