Pathfinder and the Shadowlands Leveling Revamp

You’re correct, mounts aren’t a basic feature. I never said otherwise, so this doesn’t address my question at all (which you didn’t actually answer).

And I don’t recall asking flying to be removed. So removing ground mounts is a wierd thing to bring up. Flying is achievable in game, so are ground mounts. Not all “rewards” in game have similar gating. Some require bare minimum effort, some require concerted effort. Nonetheless they require you do something other than level up to pick them up, and you can play the game without them, ergo they are rewards. The difference is ground mounts are an easy access reward and flying is more exclusive, which makes sense giving flying is essentially a far superior version of what ground mounts are. And ground mounts are a superior version of the games “basic” transport method - running and flight masters.

So I ask you again, if flying isn’t a “reward” what is it?

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Where in that post did I say I was against grinding?

I said time gating puts me off.


A mount, a pet, a mog, a challenge.

Having to repeat quests to be able to fly, and on top of it all every expansion, is insulting more than anything else. Flying is a basic feature, and should be available pretty much for the start. It should not require more than loremaster and map exploration, if anything.

It is not a reward. It’s treated like the leveling process. Like it’s leveling on top of leveling, except the end goal end up bein travel(flying), instead of a bigger number(level) on your character.


I agree to a point, they should probably remove pathfinder from expansions that are 2 expansions old now, such as WoD.

This would mean the people who did complete it would have a mount which is no longer obtainable too.


I was half expecting you to say ‘Flying isn’t a reward it’s a way of life!!’ :laughing:


New players have no choice

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yeah but the rep should actully be farmable,or not be a thing and actully just be story + exploriation. and as soon acvh is gotten you can fly not:
ok ive done evrything,now wait a year before i can fly.

One possibility is that flying will not be permitted at all before level 50 in Shadowlands, and that you can only fly in the expansion once you are 50 AND if you have the required pathfinder where applicable.

The removal of flying while leveling would be « compensated » by the fact that you need less quests - but you will do this lower number of quests on your land mount.

if they remove flying from past contnet and gate it behind new pathfinder.
Then the expansion deserves to fail 100times worse then anything before.


That sounds horrible if that’s the case. Currently you fly for most of leveling, to have it so you can’t fly for ALL of leveling would be ridiculous.

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I didn’t get the impression they were going to remove flying even just from previous expansions while levelling. They know how unpopular that is.

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I’m hoping I’ll be able to fly in all zones or I just wont touch that content. If it’s a choice between Pandaria with flying or WoD/Legion/BfA without, then all my alts will do Pandaria (or maybe Cata).

Won’t buy a pre-order until I know the answer either 🤷

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Everytime i see someone saying things like no flying no playing i just clap my hands and tell myself nothing lost. Becouse such person never liked playing mmorpg in first place and game will be far better without this audience. Flying never was good feature it completly ruined very core aspects of good mmorpg game. Classic biggest strenght and why is it so popular is becouse of rich, grounded, immersive and beliavable world which is exactly what moder game lacks and it shows.

Why does pineapple look nothing like other apples ?

Because only the English were daft enough to name it after apples!!! :rofl:


Better than naming it after Bananas like all the other normies did.

Considering that every expansion since WoD has had half of it’s lifespan without flying and the social and gameplay dynamics of this game have remained entirely unchanged I can safely say this is a load of bull. (Geddit? Cus you’re a Tauren).


Is funny how that list enumate every language that have a name similar to pineapple and specifically leaves away one of the european languages that like English have a total different name. Spanish, here is piña.

I tried that in classic. We called it Running Sim. And if I want to walk, i can do it IRL and have actual benefits of doing it. Here it is just waste of my time.

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I think it was said during one of the interviews at Blizz Con that pathfinder was staying as flying is a contentious issue for the developers.

My guess is it will be like it is for previous expansions, if you have unlocked flying in the previous expansions you can fly there, but in Shadowlands you will have to go through the pathfinder system and probably wait almost a year after the expansion drops to get pathfinder part 2 and to fly.

Can’t really beat that reply! xD