Patron orders are a throwing away gold joke

Patron orders are only usefull to make you head to the auction house buy a bunch of expensive reagente to craft a crap order worth 1 knowledge point or some crap that increase your skill by 20. ALL orders only provide the cheapest reagents, and once you might get lucky you get a order with all the reagents that pay back with reagents that are worthless to your profession. Anything crafted that you can sell at the auction house costs 10 times more to craft. No matter what you try its impossible to make your reagents to craft your stuff without spending 10 times more the worth of the crafted item. Total waste of time and gold for anyone that does not have 1 million gold to throw away to be able to improve professions.


The patron orders are a joke the most expensive mats are mostly not included in the order. This week i have no include all mats, its getting ridiculous i’m 112 point behind with the knowledge points. The items that you can sell on AH are not worth it most is a loss to do so. To much stuff is BoP so you cant profit from those. The order system needs a rework so that casual players can get the professions up.


It wouldn’t be so bad if the gold from the patron orders was somehow linked to the auction house prices, at least then we’d get our efforts worth.

Currently the Crafting Orders system is basically useless except for making stuff for your alts or giving greedy goblins a way to screw the economy for casuals

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Well the system can be improved upon its like we did something and leave it like that. Also when Blizzard said in Blizzcon the player comes first then the character. But in essence most is still character first. I have mats on my main but are BoP (not warbound) i want something on my alt and i cant because i need to do content to get the BoP stuff so its still bring character first then player. With the order system making a personal order it should not matter if its BoP or Warbound just give a warning that i am going to use mats from other characters and i can make it. For patron orders just make it include all or what Toyminator said link it to the auction house so that you get compensated for what you are buying from AH or use from personal stock so that you do not lose insane amount of money.

As for all other orders can we make a system when people place an order that it always includes the mats if it does not it gives an option to buy from auction house straight away or attach the gold that is needed to buy the mats +x% extra for doing the job. If they do not have the gold to bad if they do not have the mats to bad. So the result would be like:

  • Tip: 1000 gold (this is what you get when you complete the order set by player that orders)

  • AH Costs: x gold needed to buy mats +x% extra (The extra is a tip for doing the work if the provide all mats its always 0 gold)

  • Consortium cut:: same as always but excludes cut from AH cost.

This prevent scammers and its faster doing business in the order system because mats come straight from AH for the crafter. The AH cost is never in possession of the crafter its hold in escrow and used when making the item only the +x% extra will be granted after the item is send.

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