Patron orders broken

I get Lua errors with certain patron orders, but not all.

At first I tried disabling all addons, did not fix.
Then I tried backing up my Interface, WTF and Cache to delete from WoW folder, did not fix.

So now I can only assume it is an issue on Blizzard’s side.

For example, on my warlock I have Flask of Tempered Aggression and Flask of Tempered Versatility, I can make both but when I open Tempered Vers it gives me Lua errors.

I have the same problem with two Leatherworking patron orders. Just a big LUA error. Others work just fine. Seems to be a bug.

I tried making a ticket but all I got was a standard reply to delete addons and WTF. Tried and it did not work.

EDIT: Just tried it and it’s working. There must have been a fix recently.

Message: …emplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsRecipeSchematicForm.lua:1441: attempt to index a nil value
Time: Sun Sep 1 23:24:10 2024
Count: 1
Stack: …emplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsRecipeSchematicForm.lua:1441: attempt to index a nil value
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ProfessionsTemplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsRecipeSchematicForm.lua”]:1441: in function UpdateOutputItem' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ProfessionsTemplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsRecipeSchematicForm.lua"]:1503: in function <...emplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsRecipeSchematicForm.lua:1496> [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function onChangedFunc’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ProfessionsTemplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsTransaction.lua”]:112: in function OnChanged' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ProfessionsTemplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsTransaction.lua"]:44: in function Clear’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Professions/Blizzard_ProfessionsCrafterOrderView.lua”]:557: in function SchematicPostInit' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Professions/Blizzard_ProfessionsCrafterOrderView.lua"]:304: in function postInit’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ProfessionsTemplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsRecipeSchematicForm.lua”]:1431: in function <…emplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsRecipeSchematicForm.lua:356>
[string “=[C]”]: in function Init' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Professions/Blizzard_ProfessionsCrafterOrderView.lua"]:886: in function SetOrder’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Professions/Blizzard_ProfessionsCrafterOrderPage.lua”]:758: in function `ViewOrder’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Professions/Blizzard_ProfessionsCrafterOrderPage.lua”]:64: in function <…Professions/Blizzard_ProfessionsCrafterOrderPage.lua:59>

Locals: self = Frame {
elapsed = 0
forCraftingOrders = true
Stars = Frame {
extraSlotFrames =

currentRecipeInfo =
recipeSchematic =
recraftSlot = Frame {
OutputIcon = Button {
selectedRecipeLevels =
RecipeLevelBar = StatusBar {
loader =
Concentrate = Frame {
FavoriteButton = CheckButton {
Event =
recipeInfoFrames =
QualityDialog = Frame {
OutputSubText = FontString {
RecraftingDescription = FontString {
RecipeSourceButton = Button {
TrackRecipeCheckbox = CheckButton {
reagentSlotPool =
reagentSlots =
AllocateBestQualityCheckbox = CheckButton {
isRecraftOverride = false
RecraftingOutputText = FontString {
Cooldown = FontString {
callbackTables =
OptionalReagents = Frame {
MinimizedCooldown = FontString {
Description = FontString {
FirstCraftBonus = Frame {
transaction =
RequiredTools = FontString {
Details = Frame {
Reagents = Frame {
canShowFavoriteButton = false
FinishingReagents = Frame {
RecraftingRequiredTools = FontString {
OutputText = FontString {
showTrackRecipe = true
RecipeLevelDropdown = Button {
reagents =
1 =
outputItemInfo =
hyperlink = “[ |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier2:17:23::1|a]”
icon = 5975933
itemID = 219913
text = nil
item =
itemLink = “[ |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier2:17:23::1|a]”
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
itemLink = “[ |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier2:17:23::1|a]”
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = “attempt to index a nil value”

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