I looked at the pattern and saw that it looked like a good sink for all the excess Wildercloth. I made one just to get the profession point and I hadn’t really looked at the item too closely.
To my surprise, it was bind to account. So, Blizzard is trying to create more work orders for tailors… Since I already have the Chronocloth Reagent Bag on my main, I sent the new bag to an alt, so it wouldn’t be entirely wasted. I then try to equip the bag and find that it has a reputation requirement.
Everything else makes sense from a game design perspective, but the equip/use requirement seems completely random, so I have to wonder if it was intended? The only reason I can think of is that Blizzard wants people to get the reputation. However, I think all it does is nullify the benefit of it being BoA and tailors really shouldn’t expect to see craft orders for these.