Pawn string

Exactly where is this string supposed to be copied to?

( Strength=6.91, CritRating=4.16, HasteRating=4.39, MasteryRating=4.33, Versatility=4.22, Dps=19.86, OffHandDps=11.31 )

It’s taken from Fury Warrior Stat Priority - Shadowlands 9.2 - Guides - Wowhead

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You need to get the addon Pawn from curseforge and then you can import the string into that.

But you should really generate your own stat weights for your own gear.

U import it in pawn addon itself, there js section where u make your own stats weights .

But dont use that addon, its not exactly good, and u have to change your weights every time u change item.

Ok, thank you.
I wish i just could stack one stat and be done with it. Itemlevel → stat → win-win

Yea and since u go that way u dont need pawn for that .

Pick highest item level, then if same ilvl pick highest desired stat, ezpz no pawn needed.

Yeah but that is not the case, right? The stats value differ depending on what gear and stats you have? Or am i wrong?

Yes , statweights value depending on your curent stats .

But , for like 99% of specs rn, its main stats > first stat>seconds stat etc etc etc .untill hard DR which is like 1k + of stat ? Not sure rn about that .

So for example leta say u are DK , your main stats are str mastery haste for content X .

So if u decide u doing content X u stack ilvl as high as posible for str ( it also look beter when puging , idk if there is bag ilvl ) if u have highest items posible u got for mastery as thats your main stat in that content, until u hit hard DR , then u go your second best stat .

Or u can just sim yourself every time just like u will do when u “calculated” your stat weights.

Ok, im warrior.
What is DR?

Diminishing returns in that case .

Basicly the more stat u have the less it gives .

For example , 60 haste gives 1% , but after 1000 haste rating, diminishing is applied , so 60 haste gives you only 0.8% .

Numbers are made up but u get the point

Ah okey, i didnt know that.

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