[PCU] [A] The Holy Order of Lordain

The Dragon Wastes

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The crossing into the Dragonblight was uneventful. Riding ahead of their Scarlet pursuers, the Order took the time to get the lay of the land from the Argent Crusaders at Light's Trust. One of the crusaders there, by the name of Horatio, told them of a large snowstorm brewing in the central wastes, into which at least a hundred lesser undead - ghouls, skeletons and so forth - were seen entering.

Despite this, Wintergarde Keep and its surrounding lands, ever under the deathly shadow of the gravely silent Naxxramas, were quiet; a wild, feral ghoul here and there, but nothing that was a cause for concern to Wintergarde... Except, this silence itself was a cause for concern. With no cultist activity noted in the vicinity, the garrison therein could only wonder where the ghoulish horde gathering under the cover of sleet and hail would strike.

While the Order prepared to cross the southern wastes to Moa'ki Harbour, they offered to investigate reports of lantern lights heading into the cursed mine underneath Wintergarde, and of the 'creeping death' that lurked within. Expecting a Nerubian host within, the Order was led into the mines by a local prospector, and within they found the horror-stricken corpses of the Cult of the Damned. Worse still, within those whispering, murmuring tunnels, they came face-to-'face' with a lone N'raqi, a Faceless One, which was soon dispatched.

Their investigation was not without interest to their own quest, however. On the corpse of a cultist named Cambran, they found a message from an unknown "H.C.", informing him that a cultist by the name of Kanrir had safely arrived in Stormwind and had begun a search for a grave - not, as it would turn out, the Crypt of Arduran, but something else entirely.

With this in mind, the Order continued to Moa'ki Harbour, meeting with Elder Ko'nani, who informed them that To'toni's descendants did still live at the Harbour, and that Apuapi, one such descendant, would return from a hunt soon. Thus the Order stayed in the company of the Tuskarr once more, yet, the next evening the brewing snowstorm to the north encroached upon the village. With it came an army of the dead, two-hundred strong.

As the dead swarmed down upon Moa'ki Harbour, outnumbering the defenders seven-to-one, wings of frost and sinew descended from above. Amidst the horde, the Order held the line against the ancient, reanimated remains of the blue wyrm Kadragos, all while under the watchful eye of three winged creatures upon the ridgeline to the north.

When the undead were defeated, and the frost wyrm brought low, silence fell. The Order looked to the ridge above, and for the first time - if only briefly - laid eyes upon the dreadlord Diathonix in his true form.