[PCU] Blood Knight RP - Blood Edict of Vandellor 🩸

If you were ever in doubt elves can be metal :metal:, check them out.


The Blood Knight’s adventures in Outland continue! While the individual they were hunting managed to slip away for now, they have embarked on a quest to create new tools of war, using the legendary Apexis Crystals in outland who are said to be able to harness the power of the Sun’s light. For now the journey brought them to the Halaa research center where they encountered their vile void afflicted counterparts! For now the day is won and the Ren’dorei are repelled, having started learning the consequences of their treachery.


Cool RP and even cooler guys and gals.
Quel’thalas wants YOU! :point_right:


In the Sunwell Plataeu a ritual, bonding Charger and Knight has been completed. The Light would burst triumphantly as three steeds emerge from it, reborn in its liking, an eternal companion to each of the Knights who have bonded with it. A new dawn shines

Three of our Knights have completed their quest, bonding with their new chargers in an epic ritual event.

Come join our gang of chads and experience it firsthand!



My Light is better than your Light. Don’t change my mind!

Also, if you’re looking for BK RP, this is the place to be!

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In today’s event. Initiates attend Reldrin’s favorite class.
How to call upon the Light 101

Want to learn how to call upon the Eternal Sun aswell?
Come and join our chad gang. Now with a new uniform coming in less then a week. (Thank you Blizzard)


Know what’s good about a lawful evil guild? It’s still lawful.


The Hellfire campaign has BEGAN! And the Blood Knights of the Blood Edict of Vandellor are showing up in force, rocking new Sunwell enchanted sets of armor to match the demonic danger they face!

With the new powerful BK sets there is NO better time to join our growing team Liadrin!


I believe this guild to be the reason we get the Blood Knight set now. Am I right Reldrin?


Just in case you fellow chads didn’t know…

You can the CLASSIC model that is the blood-tempered ranseur (called the fallen knight’s ranseur) next to the corpse of blood knight dawnstar in deatholme after doing the questline for the armour, mount and polearm.


I know Marus… I know… my iconic weapon that no one could get… what did they do to my uniqueness…!?


No snowflakes!

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The Hellfire campaign has ended!
The Knights were proven triumphant in their mission. Along with their Forsaken and Horde allies they have brought the demons threatening the High Kingdom low. Each blow delieverd, guided by the Eternal Sun.
Now they have returned to Silvermoon… but while they have been away, crisis has been brewing in the Ghostlands.

Come and join our gang of brothers and sisters as we tackle our next threat and storyline! We will be having a week rest in Silvermoon so there is no better time to approach and become an avatar of the Sin’dorei!


Looking forward to seeing you back home in native lands

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no better ally to a Forsaken guild than a Blood Elf one…

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I think the new Blood Knight set is an amazing uniform, it looks cool when folks are together

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Two of our initiates have managed to survive the grueling training and highly dangerous combat and have ascended officially to the ranks of the Blood Knights as Adepts after receiving the Ranseurs they personally gathered materials for.
Next stop for the Blood Knight chapter - deploying to the very frontline in the Ghostlands as it is under renewed assault by vile Scourge! Failure is not an option.


“Do not be upset dear brother!”

She knew he would find out eventually, he always did.

Chewing upon her first life taken, Lerila’s mind had finally settled from the whirlwind that was initiation. From putting on taxing armour to sparring with a fully fledged Knight, she learned so much within a short space of time.

Her faith had never waivered, but having manifested it for the first time, she saw it as the divine will of the Sunwell incarnate, of all her ancestors adding their strength to her strikes. While it was not enough to sustain for long, she beamed at the reality of her faith being made manifest.

To apply it to a living foe however? She shuddered, remembering the blood that spilled out from the slain lynx as she began to cut it open, then remove its flank for her meal which was currently half-eaten. She had eaten meat from living creatures aplenty, but to slay one and eat it was a harrowing experience; it served a valuable lesson.

“One must be prepared to face death.”

As her mind turned to tomorrow, so to did those words, as the mindless Scourge she knew only as distant fiends who stronger kin protected her from, would not show mercy or hesitate to end her naive life.

“If I die, do not be upset dear brother, for it was my choice and mine alone. No longer will you sacrifice to protect me.”

“It is my turn now.”


The battle for the Ghostlands concluded! In a final and epic clash against the Scourge the Blood Edict together with the Myrmidons and Argent reinforcements aided the forces of Silvermoon while they battled the perpetrator of the incursion! Fighting off an insidious Lich and preventing him from interfering. At the break of dawn, victory belonged to the Sin’dorei!

Now that the matters in the Ghostlands have stabilized we are back into the Sanctum of the Sun training our initiates and adepts and patrolling the lands.


“I do not hate you, but by the Sunwell do I fear your ambition.”

Forgetful and clumsy, but in a debate against a fully fledged Knight she was anything but.

It had been an eventful evening of philosophy, covering the nature of the Light, morals in the face of duty and future plans interwoven between two opposing forces. Points were made, discussed and dismissed and two sides were fleshed out. Determined to both be proven right, only time would tell as to what one came out on top.

Not to mention almost falling to one’s death.

Atop a mountain in the Plaguelands stood the Bloodwarder and Initiate; a lesson was to be delivered on one of the core virtues of the Edict, and one she internally beamed at.


Yet despite the initial positivity, she knew it could not give way to her ego, it was merely a minor victory in a series of battles and wars to come. To be reassured of her position was only the first step.

As she was pushed off the cliff, she had to make it truly her own. To give in to the Light, to protect the weak who could not defend themselves, to shield them from the darkness at the gates of their Kingdom, to shoulder the burden of her brother and make it her own. She called.

It answered.

An explosion of Light rocked the mountain, and as the air cleared so too the now cracked golden barrier surrounding her.

“I’m alive! Thank the Sunwell, the Eternal Sun and the Light!”