[PCU] Blood Knight RP - Blood Edict of Vandellor 🩸

Excellent to see some life still in Eversong.


The Blood Edict have recently moved to Brill to help our Forsaken allies regain their hold on their lands. During this time the Blood Knights begin learning of the four virtues in the Light as they are passed down to us in the Laws of Dawn;

Mercilessness, Order, Discipline and Humility


glad to have em at Brill


The sheer amount of black and red in this thread is a delight. Keep on purgin’ the wicked in style, my dudes.


The knights in red visited Zuldazar and duel to settle a score was had! Will be see if trollish steel clashes with them again in the future. Looking forward to meet the elven knights again!


After the murder of our innocent horses. We have decided to bill these gamers for the cost of new horses. You will be recieving a bill for all the emotional trauma you have caused as well as the horses.

Be in contact soon.

(Love these bois though, best Blood-Knight gamers around. Highly recommend :heart: )


The Blood Edict are active as ever! With a strong backbone in our unique take on Light faith, there is no other place to get better Blood Knight experience!


Bullying Amani, fighting traitors in Tol Bard, investigating Pandaria, and ‘reaffirming’ loyalties of fellow blood elves. No shortage of work for the Blood Knights. And now, it is time to send our initiates to Zul’dazar. Whatever for…?
Join us today and find out!


Two initiates have went through the trial of Order, one of four trials required to understand the four virtues of the Chapter and serve as the foundation for being promoted to the rank of Adept.

Only time will tell if the current batch will make it through!

We are also still recruiting! With rich and storied lore alongside a cast of colourful characters, your new blood knight will fit right in whether they are a fresh faced initiate, tried and tested adept or a knight who is looking to teach the next generation!


I hear the pictured adepts initiates are awesome

Initiates, my friend…

Why don’t you come with me underneath the Hall of Blood… my good friend

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Marus is a muscular Blood Knight whom I look up to honourably.

Join the Knights if you want to be muscular like him.

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Are you guys still active? I note the OP is from last year, and I’m unsure how fast the climate shifts on WoW these days.

Just dipped my toes back in after a fairly long break, and I’m actually curious about the Blood Knight (Or is it really more Paladins these days? Liadrin’s sunwell epilogue still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth) scene. Which magical superiority pretty much firmly established in the Horde, I’m curious what role the Blood Knights / Paladins have.

Do you wield Light as if it was magic, or is it a question of Faith? And if the latter, is it some exploration of a Scarlet Crusade kind of deal where they’re able to use it because they genuinely believe their insanity is righteous, or somesuch?

Educate me! I’m genuinely curious!


Faith, with differing levels of scarlet tier insanity depending on the char. Some characters are a bit more benevolent than others, though Edict maintains the “Lawful Evil” aesthetic of blood knights by wielding the light for more brutal and violent causes than a typical paladin

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This makes it very interesting to me personally.
I was always unsure how how to approach Blood Knight RP since the identity seems to have died down so quickly after Liadrin’s cuckery in the Sunwell.

I think back in the day, both ways were done in RP. You had the crowd who wielded it like a mage wields magic, and then you had the new-era that used it much like the Alliance Paladins wield theirs.

Rambling; Sorry about that. But hopefully I’ll see you guys somewhere down the line! Not necessarily on this character, though!


Yep, what Kayle said.
We use faith, in the guild we have our own Belven twist on Light faith so it is not the same as a Human’s or Draenei’s but to use Light we still require faith.
That being said we will happily break the legs of our initiates if they show lack of discipline and burn down any suspect ‘traitor’s’ house in Quel’thalas. In short we are fiercely Lawful Evil.

I note that pretty Ebony-Red mix from most display pics of your guildies here. Do you all have that as a standard guild uniform or is there some wiggle room?
I’m given to understand that there is now finally a somewhat officially-named “Blood Knight” set with all the necessary pieces or something like that?

There is extremely limited amount of wiggle room, for example you can wear the belf bandana instead of a helmet or the faceguard. You can also earn a weapon through the proper RP. Otherwise the uniform is strict.


How do you guys associate with Non-Guildie Blood Knights? Or the rest of Silvermoon’s heirarchy (Or Horde heirarchy for that matter?)

Magisterium, etc? Nightborne arcanists who’ve taken up Residence in the city, etc?

(Not here to judge or anything, but genuinely curious, so don’t worry about any of that!)

Other Blood Knights are generally to be treated by us with the proper respect, of course that is extended to Magisters and to allied foreign missions such as NBs (as long as they behave with the due respect in our home turf).
We have our own in-chapter commanders and NPC hierarchy however so if you wonder whether a different PC can just ‘order’ us around due to them holding higher rank, more often then not that will not work for them, depending on the scenario.