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Didn’t you guys set up a riot event targeting random void elf players?

:eye: :lips: :eye:
:eye: :lips: :eye:
:eye: :lips: :eye:
:eye: :lips: :eye:
:eye: :lips: :eye:
:eye: :lips: :eye:

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Don’t upset yourself please

:eye: :tongue: :eye:
:eye: :tongue: :eye:
:eye: :tongue: :eye:
:eye: :tongue: :eye:

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I was there, IIRC it was about peasants and civilians which are weaker of mind on average that were driven mad by N’zoths whispers

Alright thanks for the clear up unlike the panda here with the 4 voltz brain

Wasn’t against void elves in any sense either - it was against peace with the Horde (ie. something N’zoth-aligned forces probably didn’t want for the Alliance / would prefer for them to stay at war)

In fact I posted that lightforged / void elf characters shouldn’t really turn up as rioter NPCs because both should be able to resist that kind of corruption where random human peasants would fail and become unwitting pawns


a cool, good and relevant thing to bring up for no reason at all 2 weeks later

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That event was if not mistaken more then 6 months ago.


I meant 2 weeks after the last post, but that makes it even better and more relevant tbh

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Do you mean the events a moment before 8.3, or the more recent ones?

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Before 8.3 of course

Then I can gladly echo what Perroy said and tell you that velves weren’t involved in any planned aspect of that at all.

Although, naturally, we do not control what guests to such a public event do.

Maybe Zastix took the prior events with to the town crier as a sort of build-up related to the riot, then? Because that for sure involved void elves.

Even then, it was benign at worst. People just freaked out even when it was positive about void elves.

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