PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

Why is this threat still alive! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


:earth_africa: :man_astronaut: Wait, itā€™s all ERP?

:gun: :man_astronaut: Always was.


Yeah it is


Oh no it isnā€™t :slight_smile:

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To some degree I can understand why people would air their greivances in a public space. Having eyes on a post beyond the people the post was addressed to can make it so that criticisms are more likely to be taken to heart. One person saying something is a problem is a critique or complaint, several people saying something is a problem can be more solid ground for seeing that problem adressed.

That being said, so much of the anti-PCU posting on the forums are either blatant lies, such as the instance of a photoshopped image of the Assemblageā€™s roleplay, or come from people on alt accounts making passive-aggressive remarks. I understand it can be scary to have your name tied to a contrarian opinion, but hiding behind an anonymous account robs the poster of credibility so much of the time.

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I was just told in a whisper, randomly, out-of-the-blue from somebody I had not only never met, but not even heard of, to ā€œDie, you PCU piece of [REDACTED]ā€.

As you can see, the crowd that are very vocally against our community are every bit as polite, kind and welcoming in comparison to the PCU as theyā€™d like you to believe + seem to make a weird point of pushing very heavily . . . !


Itā€™s funny how almost every person with ā€œIgnores PCUā€ in their TRP I have met, turned out to be either a coomer or griefer. Really says something.


ā€Darn those PCU, how dare they stick to the rules of the game ?! Unacceptable !ā€


While I personally am against any kind of attack against people like that and its absolutely bs to do so, at the same time its some of pcu lashing out without reason as well.
As I said before its a two way streetā€¦ but you want a example then have one right now.

I just logged today after my birthday, hop on wow to do trial of style because a friend told me about it and I end up with a few pcu members. I wave to one and what happens is I am called out, trade spammed so I cant even change my mog and get absolutely humiliated by people Iā€™ve done nothing to?..
And Iā€™m supposed to sit there and take it?..

That is after weā€™ve already had incidents of guild members getting pmā€™d and called nonces and much worse without having ever been a part of erp, agreed to any of it or otherwise.
So in all fairness I demand that whoevers in charge of said people has a good long talk with them, because if people want to be treated fairly maybe they should do the same because I sure as heck am not ever going to harass anyone because of a difference in views or even if I personally dislike them for whatever reason.

I do have proof for it as well though I am unable to post links here so Iā€™d appreciate it if someone would reach out to resolve it.

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First off: happy birthday! Hope you had a nice day!

Secondly: I am sorry to hear that happened to you! As you stated you have screenshots/proof of what happened, so might I suggest you look in the PCU thread https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/the-pcu-now-recruiting-updated-op-server/54704

And look up Perroyā€™s discord and send said proof to him? I am sure he(or any other officer of the PCU) will sort it out for you!

Otherwise might I suggest you could always reach out to him or another officer ingame!


Right. I should put my view as well in here.

To put disclamer, my opinions are mine and mine alone. You may take how ever you want to.

Iā€™ve been member of PCU some long time ago and I was bit different as I am now. No, Iā€™m not saying I was forced to be what I was back then, but it was my own volition. Maybe I felt trying to be more in the group and not feel Iā€™m some weirdo with some wrong opinions (which wasnā€™t wrong at that point) but some of the people I knew tended to be bitā€¦Hostile. For the months, I shrugged it off. Not something I cared nor should I have had. Had better things to think about.

Most remember me from being in Grim Gest for some time and how bad my comments my were. In some degree. But, it was something that changed my views in things, what I am. I am mostly silent and try to put my views nicely and try my best to debate with people without insulting (Which might be wrong still) over all. But in Grim Gest, I was massive Imbecile. I didnā€™t think what I should say, what was the consequence and so on. I was different. To blame the guild, is wrong. I made myself the demon what I was.

But, I wonā€™t say all are horrible people and they are all just biased opinions and that, but there are people who can see some truth through the bad posts. People who try to be really nice and are nice, even though you made bad and try to make you do better further on. But, there are also the people who make you feel bad, just because you had little bad and they remind you.

In short, there are flaws and perks, but there are no perfect people in any place. In my opinion, you should first see what they are and then make your opinion, instead of just going by others words.

Hey, If you want, you can pm me the logs on discord and iā€™ll look into it for you. @Donā€™t Startle Me#1376 - your friendly neighborhood officer man.


I donā€™t think being told to die / death threats are something that should simply be viewed as a ā€œtwo-way streetā€ if Iā€™m being completely honest + to my recollection I donā€™t recall any real instances in which current & existing PCU members have actually gone out of their way to deliver the same things to others (beyond a certain instance on Discord thatā€™s been brought up previously in which some things were thrown in the direction of a particular ā€œsaviour of Goldshireā€, though I believe those specific people werenā€™t actually part of the PCU at the time, so do with that as you will - youā€™re more than welcome to notify me if someone in our community does do this)

Iā€™m ultimately not emotionally desolated by my experience but that doesnā€™t mean I appreciate the ā€œYeah thatā€™s bad, BUTā€ sentiment because it makes anything before the ā€˜butā€™ pretty difficult to buy. The two-way street logic seems to veer a bit close to generalising every member in our community as problematic in some way (even in spite of the fact that you very passively said ā€˜someā€™) and I donā€™t think thatā€™s epic. Iā€™m taking the choccy milk back bro, this is not epic

As for the griefing matter I believe it has been discussed by a mysterious dark council


I completely agree with that. Any threats, serious or not are taking it way to far.
As I said in a previous post, Iā€™ve had plenty good experiences and Iā€™m thankful for what roleplay people provide, cause itā€™s some seriously exciting stuff and I am sure that the majority are overall nice people and Iā€™ve never had any issues with any of them either.


Iā€™m not trying to be funny / pull your nose here but Iā€™m not sure I understand your stance atm

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put a single ` on both sides of the link to turn it into

www.this.com or contact perroy through the discord handle in the PCU thread, or any other PCU officerā€™s handle you get send your way.

very very hard agree.

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If you want me to elaborate on that, anything as serious as thatā€™s a no go.
In fact any kind of griefing or harassment is bs, but Iā€™d very much expect to be shown the same kind of dignity and respect that I show other people if that makes any sense.

Sure, I think those are pretty fundamental basics of being a reasonable + decent human being, just be mindful of your wording / terminology. You might not have meant to come off that way (or maybe you secretly didā€¦ who knowsā€¦) but I think itā€™s wholeheartedly pognā€™t to refer to the ā€œPCUā€ as a community when discussing matters like this when itā€™s really something that should be dealt with on an individual basis, especially given that these things do come from a singular person / a small handful of people 99% of the time as opposed to 200+ people simultaneously performing bad act that someone has experienced. I donā€™t hold everybody that has a personal gripe with the PCU accountable for the one person that told me to ā€œdieā€ yesterday

Contrary to popular belief, we are not all the same person / clones / of one unified mind / etc - people that are just part of community to roleplay and enjoy themselves shouldnā€™t be lumped in with one or two individuals that decide to act in a specific manner


Yeah we spoke in PMs, agreed like a case of an OOC back and forth between two groups going too far. Should hopefully end there on both sides


Please donā€™t talk to me
