Tonight the Order of Oronaar pursued the track of demons that assaulted Forest Song to a barrow den and the Elven ruins underneath from whence they came.
Along the way, they were joined by unlikely allies: The Moonlight Melody whose Shaldorei rescued a kinswoman of theirs the night before and who sought the Orderâs aid to cleanse a moonwell, and the Dirge of Teldrassil who followed the very tracks of the Nightborne down the barrow.
The group defeated the necrotic abomination guarding the entrance to the hidden ruins and ventured deeper down the halls, making their way over pools of corrupted blood and last-resort traps raised by the demonic inhabitants.
At the entrance of the hidden underground ruins, the group met a pair of fel-fallen druids, one of which the Dirge of Teldrassil has been eager to hunt down and bring to justice and one already fought by the Moonlight Melody, cast off a cliff presumed dead. The druids delayed the groupâs approach enough for their Eredar master to finish his binding ritual of an ancient elven artifact, then disappeared into the shadows.
The Eredar, aided by his warlock underlings, fought the group and even twisted one of their own demon hunters against them, before the combined might of the adventurers vanquished him. The group emerged from the ruins with the keystone in hand, though what they would do with the corrupted artifact is yet to unfold.
It was a pleasure to DM for the three guilds tonight, and I hope they all enjoyed the event. It was the culmination of a lead-up from yesterday when each guild was introduced to the situation and story at hand (and learned snippets of the greater picture). I was really happy to see 25 unique characters interacting with the dungeon and the story within, and am looking forward to the finale.
Shout out to the other PCU guilds that participated:
The Moonlight Melody who bring Nightborne RP to life and lighten each event with their characters:
And the Dirge of Teldrassil true to the fate of the Night Elves and maintaining an atmosphere of power and uncertainty in their thirst for vengeance: