[PCU] Dwarf & Gnome RP - Forgecog Fellowship đŸ—»

Dun Morogh Strong :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

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This forum is sponsored by the Forgecog Fellowship.
To join offer Lexa a full set of ale or your soul.
If both conditions cannot be met, a payment plan of five shadowmourne can be of use.

With regards
Grombaln Ironeater

Who is now running away before he gets uppercutted

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Also ignore the last post I made a mistake there and I can’t delete it !

robokiller had a stroke while reading this and died

Odd snipe but I didn’t expect much anyway.

I certainly do, but I’m not gonna share it with you after that, post it here if you’re determined to expose someone.

I got Discord, share them with me.

Add Moridunum#2999

Show me what you got, kid! After a week I got really curious :smirk:

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I see what you did there


ok thank you.

to evitate drama caused by my friend stealing my account, i won’t comment on this thread: sorry again :sweat_smile:

Reminder that this Guild is awesome and that Ragenugget still hasn’t shared deets 


There has been some minor changes to the leadership off the Forgecog Fellowship.

In between the upheaval that a change in leadership brings, we still had some time to do a job for the Explorer’s League where we fought a radical group of trader(s)!





Saturday, one of the death knights of the Forgecog Fellowship went on a mission with the Veilbound Vigil.

It is important to maintain good relations with allies and neutral organisations!




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Today the Forgecog Fellowship went out drinking and making merry with others in the Golden keg!

We had a drinking match, anoyed a Gilnean noble and had a great time together with a group that called themselves “The Delinquents”.



(Sorry for blurry state of the screenshots, the Cog Captain joined in on the drinking and drank too much!)

Also, your point of view when you’re a smashed Cog Captain!


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i have a gnome what i leveled up to level 60 but i did not find any gnome RP so i quited useing my gnome :frowning:

May the light bless the Forgecog and their members :pray:

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