[PCU] Forsaken Loyalist RP - The Rotgarde 💀

An eerie pair of yellow dots pierced the gloom, barely illuminating the murk. The glow stood unmoving, waiting, inviting.

Brightwater Lake was almost as dead as the land that surrounded it, but life finds a way. Slow shapes swam the stagnant water, sickly-looking fish turned pale by life in the ill-lit land of Tirisfal or perhaps by the settling of toxic smog and ash carried by winds from the nearby devastation. Occasionally they would surface as their fins would no longer propel them, and gasp their last. The lucky few would turn to the top only to capture flies, beetles and any other little creatures that would sustain them until the next.

But a new prey had begun to disturb the depths. Something that wiggled and thrashed in panic.

The bold, curious and most desperate of the deathly fish emerged, tantalised by the glow and the apparent feast that lay beneath it. One by one, they drew near, following the worm’s twists and turns, into the pit in which it appeared so desperate to burrow. One by one they disappeared, never to return.

Dwayne emerged from the lake once he had his fill.


Man we just ran into this old shadow priest last night and he was trynna get us to confess some sins we done, but if following the queen is a sin then im goin to hell on my mama :pray: :weary:


god i love this guild. probably one of the best ones around tbh !

if you’re looking to play an evil guy that loves sylvanas loads you should join today


yeah, we’ve been messing around with this little book thing, someone’s diary or something, might just be 1 of Lovecraft’s works or something but it’s rly cool and so far it’s been an interesting plot to follow yeah join the rotgarde for more rly :badass: plots


pls join or skabb will be angry


Skabb is now running an epic guild plot based entirely on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQgvC4dBM6A

Stay tuned


you might have heard of the queensguard getting owned by the scarlets
thats true but its only so theyll let their guards down next time haha ez


Some would call these fellows the Arch Nemesis of AD. However after watching their leader stream art I am convinced they’re really the nicest guild on AD.


RG has moved to the arathi highlands, for some demon hunting cause they made two soul possessed vessels turn into stinky sticky paste substance and im pissed


Parchments and posters are scattered across Lordaeron and Orgrimmar, all written in Gutterspeak. Some torn, some flying through the wind, some still waving as the winds brush over them, pinned on forgotten, rotten walls. A ritual of the Shadow shall take place in the church of Deathknell, inviting all Forsaken to gather, faithful or not. Unity. Loyalty. Strength.

Seems like Deathknell is gonna be busy on this Saturday… Don’t miss this event!


We’ve rehearsed our disguises for 3 days ahead! So naturally someone is going to mess it up and get caught out within the first 5 minutes of RP.


Aint that sound epic.


Hi, I am Rolf the Argent Crusader! All hail Executor Fordring! Wait-


Greatest forsaken RPers out there with such rich guild lore. Lovely to have an Undead guild like this focused on Lordaeron. Would not want to have any other mortal enemies but you.


I used to be a Deathguard like you until I took an ice-lance through the knee.


In the Forsaken settlements of the Eastern Kingdoms, notices has been put up in every wall and building by a hooded man with a shovel on his back, leaving everytime on his steed when his job was done.

“Kinsmen, You may think that the Horde still cares about you, but they do not! The Horde is only a puppet of the Alliance dogs who have aided a Traitorus overlord for their personal goals for the Future of Azoroth, a future were we will not be part of.
The Horde has lost it’s voice when our Queen left Orgrimmar after the duel with Saurfang and they will stop and nothing to keep us in line for the new leadership of this “Saurfang Legion.”
But no more, let the Stygian star guide your path for salvation, let us do what we always have loved as a people, as true citizens of Lordaeron.
Even if you used to be part of other kingdoms as the Highlands of Stromgarde, the distant land of Kul tiras or the peninsula of Gilneas.
Join us, together we will secure a better future for us all as a people, as Forsaken.”

“Find us and may the Dark lady watch over us all.”


some of the best guys around


The Legendary Rotgarde is really a wholesome bunch. I wish I had roleplayed with you more.


Are they staying loyal to Sylvanas? They are? Good.


The OG AD supervillains are actually quite adorable really. Join them Forsaken