[PCU] Horde Elf RP - Highblood Myrmidons

We are Highborne, our blades bound in service of our kind and our Home, and as long as we stand Quel’thalas shall never fall.

The Highblood Myrmidons’ doctrine is based around the idea that the Horde now stands as the logical continuation of the elven empires of old, having recruited the two high-blooded mage cities of Silvermoon and Suramar to their cause. The Horde provides the strength and backing that is needed to achieve the goal of Highborne dominance, being an excellent tool, as well as coming to both Suramar and Quel’Thalas in their ultimate times of need. Characterised by an undying, sometimes fanatic loyalty to their respective Kingdoms, every Myrmidon is a true executor of elven will.

While holding the belief that the elven people are the true inheritors of Azeroth the Highblood Myrmidons are still willing to work with the rest of the Horde, albeit at an arm’s length. The idea that the elves are the superior people on Azeroth gives the Highblood the view that they must take a paternal guiding role towards the Horde’s younger races to lead them along the right path. It is heavily pushed as part of the Myrmidons official rhetoric. They believe that the younger races, despite being much less civilised and experienced, have the potential to be great allies and friends … or at the very least weapons employed by the elven people to further their ends.

The chief enemy of the Highblood Myrmidons are those who bring shame to the legacy of the elves - namely the savage night elves, a breed of low-blooded primitives who forsook their power out of a base and animalistic fear and the void elves, traitors and madmen who humiliated Quel’thalas with their defection. Those who stand with them - namely the Alliance - are seen in a dim light.

The Highblood Myrmidons recruit pro-Horde Elves, be it Blood Elves or Nightborne.
Funded by the Sunfury Spire, in Silvermoon, the Myrmidons serve the now intertwined forces of Quel’thalas and Suramar and thus their representatives with a mlitaristic approach, while at the same time nurturing a group of specialists to side their operations, depending on what field of knowledge is required at the time.
Highborne (or “highblooded”) heritage will be a key theme, with the concept focused on the idea that Silvermoon and Suramar’s coming together under Lorthemar’s rule represents a renaissance for Azeroth’s elves, with the Horde standing in as a sort of byzantine empire of the elves (and their various orc/troll/etc allies). To this end, the group is recruiting any elf that is part of the Horde - from blood knights to nightborne mages to undead high elves to demon hunters (though some characters concepts will naturally be initially distrusted IC).

Having existed since years, by now, the guild can offer lore on major conflicts and operations happened through their jests, that in time can contribute to offer our recruits a sense of membership to the elven cause and a source of material for the character’s own growth.

Serving under this banner of black and gold you will be tasked with a various range of activities:

  • Precognitions in both enemy and allied ground.

  • The discovery and return of artifacts and magical sources that are considered misused by the reckless lesser races.

  • Investigating plots that can undermine the kingdoms’ stability.

  • Seeking and delivering punishments to those branded enemies by the kingdoms.

  • Infiltrating meetings and war operations for the sake of gathering intel, and renown.

Apart from these kind of events, and more, we also hold cross guild events and campaigns with the other guilds that make up the PCU. Whether it is clashing with the Alliance guilds or guiding the hands of our fellow Horde members, you can expect many cross-guild interactions.

The Myrmidons do not use uniforms but respect a colour-scheme of Black, Red and Gold.

The spine of the unit, when it comes to characters archetype, will mostly respect what I call the Burning Crusade’s triad of:

  • Farstrider: Hunters, Rogues.

  • Blood knight: Paladins.

  • Magister: Mages.

Any class that fits with the guild’s principles is accepted of course, but those archetypes are to be expected the most prominent ones.

If you’re interested, poke me, Xòtrios, ingame or pm me on discord Xotrios#4463.


Best of luck!


Can 100% vouch for Xotrios as a great officer and GM who is as passionate about elves as I am about trolls (if not more…)

Give these fine bros a chance, you won’t regret it :muscle:


We needed a proper Horde aligned with Elf aesthetic in mind guild … Glad to have HBM back in it’s roots …


Very eager to see where this goes.
My enjoyment of the Horde’s elves as actually being part of the Horde, eagerly and proudly, is no secret and it really seems you’re gonna take that to some fantastic heights.


Not sure you really need two threads for this one. Then again if I were in a guild that had had more GMs in the past year than the UK has had Prime Ministers I’d be eager to distance myself from my past too.




Based… so fvcking zased.


Best of luck!


lok’tar Ogar blood elves…. lok’tar… Ogar…


Best of luck with Highblood! Though my current character might not give the appearance, heh… as a former officer of this guild, I’m really happy to see it back to its core concept! I’m sure things will go great !


Very cool to see an RPer I hold in high esteem like Xotrios (thrice so when it comes to all things elven) take the reins on this guild, excited to see where it’ll lead.


Big X leading this resurgence can only mean good things

Very happy to see my favoured child returning to its roots; in my most humble of opinions, this is where HBM excelled the most and it undoubtedly will again. I be out here praying for your success fr :pray:


With Xotrios as the Leader, I only can see a bright time returning to the Hbm. Im so glad it happened. :pray:


I believe in our favourite Duke. :muscle:


No better choice for the lead the Highbloods! Zandalari and imperialist approved elves!


Go back. Return to roots.
Return to elf rp.


According to the instruction of the Sunfury Spire’s Magisters, the Reliquary retrieves the first Myrmidon’s battle-standard, “Pride”, from it’s isolated grove in Eversong. Placed in Fratstriders’ Square, it’s presence speak of an impending gathering of the Highbloods.


As instructed from the Sunfury Spire’s Magisters, the Reliquary retrieves the first Myrmidon’s battle-standard, “Pride”, from it’s isolated grove, in Eversong. Placed in Fratstriders’ Square, it’s presence speak of an impending gathering of the Highbloods.

[Two dusk lilies: rumored to be the ones Vehk Wineshroud was holding the night he was arrested in his garden, in Suramar. ]

[Two phoenixes guarding them: the first and the last former kings of Quel’thalas watching over the lilies, King Dath’Remar Sunstrider and King Anasterian Sunstrider. ]

[IX, Nine: The charges Vehk Wineshroud was accused for, during his trial. ]

[A wreath of eversong leaves: gathered by Loyal Farstriders of Quel’thalas. For where a Myrmidons walk -IS- Quel’thalas. ]

[The blessed, golden trident of Tiel’aran, fabled Blood knight who died a martyr in the Northrend retaliation’s expedition . ]

[Runes woven by Magisters of the Sunfury Spire, so that the fabric of the “Pride” can never age. ]


An handmade, resin replica of the Realm of Quel’thalas is placed in the Myrmidon’s quarters by the Emissary. A gift meant to help the Myrmidon’s logistics, but also a memento of who, and what they fight for.


We out here rping. You out here rping? :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:
You should be.