[PCU] Legion Remnant RP - Shadowbane Coven šŸ˜ˆ

Really glad to have thrill and thrive to play on my warlock again since I got into the guild two months ago. They really helped me to rebuild my old SW dweller char into a proper person with chaotic amount of possibilities.

They also have a good sponsorship with Mountain Dew! :)))

The coven smells <.<

Hows your felhound coming along by the way, hope i didnt take to large of a bite out of it.

The coven is up to their evā€¦ I mean usual nice activities in Outland, if you want to join, the nearest imp can show you the way.

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Evil and Felpilled, fitting adversaries for the Dirge of Teldrassil.
Continue to be the enemies we love to hate, based coven gamers!

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After a brisk vacation in Outland, the Coven was involuntarily sent to Nazmir. Exoitic herbs, titan tombs to corrupt, and underwater dive-barsā€¦ Itā€™d almost be a good time if not for all the ticks and flies.

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What the coven doing? We fighting some trolls, trying to bar our entry into Zuldazar. Key word ā€œTriedā€ but we push on

With the new Manā€™ari skintones added today, thereā€™s never been a better time to join the legion!


Hey! Iā€™d be interested in joining. Are the names in the OP still up to date? :slight_smile:

Ah, no theyā€™re not. You can whisper/send some in-game mail to either me (Balehew) or Krennsorrow to get into contact with us

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The coven smells.


why is my head a rubiks cube?


Itā€™s a terrible Legion curse.


It is a curse the coven had put on you because you belong to a certain house.

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Itā€™s fine, i ate some oranges and it was k

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Itā€™s ok because Velen said itā€™s ok.

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I see what you did there
youā€™re also looking mighty SUS yourself there, i love these new display bugs

Ewww, more of the Sargerasā€™s expendable slaves and bootlickers.

We are currently scheming in the Eastern Plaguelands, now is the time to join us if youā€™re a legion fanatic.

Stop putting chemicals into moonwells, its not good for the environment!

Make me. I will make sure to destroy every tree on my way